Mohammad Khasawneh
Mohammad Khasawneh
Professor of E-marketing and Social Media Princess Sumaya University for Technology
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The impact of TikTok user satisfaction on continuous intention to use the application
AAA Sharabati, S Al-Haddad, M Al-Khasawneh, N Nababteh, ...
Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity 8 (3), 125, 2022
A comprehensive model of factors influencing consumer attitude towards and acceptance of SMS advertising: an empirical investigation in Jordan
M Al Khasawneh, A Shuhaiber
International Journal of Sales and Marketing Management Research and …, 2013
Customers online engagement with social media influencers’ content related to COVID 19
M Al Khasawneh, M Abuhashesh, A Ahmad, R Masa’deh, MT Alshurideh
The effect of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) on business intelligence, 385-404, 2021
Factors affecting the adoption of E-Marketing by decision makers in SMEs: Evidence from Jordan
MK Alrousan, AS Al-Adwan, A Al-Madadha, MH Al Khasawneh
Research Anthology on Small Business Strategies for Success and Survival …, 2021
Investigating the impact of social media use on student’s perception of academic performance in higher education: evidence from Jordan
AS Al-Adwan, NA Albelbisi, SH Aladwan, O Horani, A Al-Madadha, ...
Journal of Information Technology Education: Research 19, 953-975, 2020
A mobile banking adoption model in the Jordanian market: an integration of TAM with perceived risks and perceived benefits
MHA Khasawneh
The Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce 20 (3), 2015
The influence of corporate social responsibility on consumer purchase intention: the mediating role of consumer engagement via social media
S Al-Haddad, AAA Sharabati, M Al-Khasawneh, R Maraqa, R Hashem
Sustainability 14 (11), 6771, 2022
An Empirical Examination of Consumer Adoption of Mobile Banking (M-Banking) in Jordan
MHA Khasawneh
Journal of Internet Commerce 14 (3), 341-362, 2015
The impact of Facebook on Jordanian consumers’ decision process in the hotel selection
M Abuhashesh, M Al-Khasawneh, R Al-Dmour, R Masa’Deh
IBIMA Business Review 928418, 2019
Empirical validation of the decomposed theory of planned behaviour model within the mobile banking adoption context
MHA Khasawneh, R Irshaidat
International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing 8 (1), 58-76, 2017
The factors influencing consumers’ satisfaction and continuity to deal with e-banking services in Jordan
MJ Alsamydai, RO Yousif, MH Al Khasawneh
Global Journal of Management and Business Research 12 (14), 129-142, 2012
Determinants of e-word of mouth on social media during COVID-19 outbreaks: An empirical study
M Al Khasawneh, M Abuhashesh, A Ahmad, MT Alshurideh, R Masa’deh
The effect of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) on business intelligence, 347-366, 2021
Antecedents and consequences of E-Jordanian consumer behavior regarding Facebook advertising
MJ Alsamydai, MH Khasawneh
International Journal of Business Management Research 3 (4), 41-59, 2013
The adoption of TikTok application using TAM model
M Al-Khasawneh, A Sharabati, S Al-Haddad, R Tbakhi, H Abusaimeh
International Journal of Data and Network Science 6 (4), 1389-1402, 2022
A quantitative examination of the factors that influence users' perceptions of trust towards using mobile banking services
MHA Khasawneh, O Hujran, T Abdrabbo
International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising 12 (2), 181-207, 2018
Basic criteria for the success of the electoral candidates and their influence on voters' selection decision
MJ Alsamydai, MH Al Khasawneh
Advances in Management and Applied Economics 3 (3), 105, 2013
Developing and validating a comprehensive model of factors influencing consumer acceptance of SMS advertising: empirical evidence using SEM-PLS
MHA Khasawneh, A Shuhaiber
International Journal of Business Information Systems 27 (3), 298-330, 2018
Critical success factors for e-learning satisfaction, Jordanian Universities’ experience
M Khasawneh, AB Yaseen
Journal of Business & Management (COES&RJ-JBM) 5, 56-69, 2017
Determinants of virtual classroom adoption in Jordan: the case of princess Sumaya university for technology
MK Alrousan, A Al-Madadha, MH Al Khasawneh, A Adel Tweissi
Interactive Technology and Smart Education 19 (2), 121-144, 2022
The attitude of Jordanian customers towards virtual stores
M Abuhashesh, SJ Mohammad, MA Khasawneh
International Journal of Islamic Marketing and Branding 4 (1), 59-75, 2019
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Articles 1–20