Younghwa Gabe Lee
Younghwa Gabe Lee
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The technology acceptance model: Past, present, and future
Y Lee, KA Kozar, KRT Larsen
Communications of the Association for information systems 12 (1), 50, 2003
Investigating the effect of website quality on e-business success: An analytic hierarchy process (AHP) approach
Y Lee, KA Kozar
Decision support systems 42 (3), 1383-1401, 2006
Threat or coping appraisal: determinants of SMB executives’ decision to adopt anti-malware software
Y Lee, KR Larsen
European Journal of Information Systems 18 (2), 177-187, 2009
Understanding of website usability: Specifying and measuring constructs and their relationships
Y Lee, KA Kozar
Decision support systems 52 (2), 450-463, 2012
A holistic model of computer abuse within organizations
J Lee, Y Lee
Information management & computer security 10 (2), 57-63, 2002
Relating motivation to information and communication technology acceptance: Self-determination theory perspective
Y Lee, J Lee, Y Hwang
Computers in Human Behavior 51, 418-428, 2015
An empirical investigation of anti-spyware software adoption: A multitheoretical perspective
Y Lee, KA Kozar
Information & Management 45 (2), 109-119, 2008
Social influence on technology acceptance behavior: self-identity theory perspective
Y Lee, J Lee, Z Lee
ACM SIGMIS Database: The DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems 37 (2 …, 2006
Understanding anti-plagiarism software adoption: An extended protection motivation theory perspective
Y Lee
Decision Support Systems 50 (2), 361-369, 2011
Usability design and psychological ownership of a virtual world
Y Lee, ANK Chen
Journal of Management Information Systems 28 (3), 269-308, 2011
Investigating factors affecting the adoption of anti-spyware systems
Y Lee, KA Kozar
Communications of the ACM 48 (8), 72-77, 2005
Can online wait be managed? The effect of filler interfaces and presentation modes on perceived waiting time online
Y Lee, ANK Chen, V Ilie
Mis Quarterly, 365-394, 2012
Designing usable online stores: A landscape preference perspective
Y Lee, KA Kozar
Information & Management 46 (1), 31-41, 2009
Evaluating the effects of task–individual–technology fit in multi-DSS models context: A two-phase view
Y Liu, Y Lee, ANK Chen
Decision Support Systems 51 (3), 688-700, 2011
Avatar e-mail versus traditional e-mail: Perceptual difference and media selection difference
Y Lee, KA Kozar, KR Larsen
Decision Support Systems 46 (2), 451-467, 2009
Coping with Internet channel conflict
Y Lee, Z Lee, KRT Larsen
Communications of the ACM 46 (7), 137-142, 2003
The moderating effect of extraversion–introversion differences on group idea generation performance
JH Jung, Y Lee, R Karsten
Small Group Research 43 (1), 30-49, 2012
Integrating software lifecycle process standards with security engineering
Y Lee, J Lee, Z Lee
Computers & Security 21 (4), 345-355, 2002
Understanding personal web usage in organizations
Y Lee, Z Lee, Y Kim
Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce 17 (1), 75-99, 2007
The competitiveness of the information systems major: An analytic hierarchy process
Y Lee, SJ Lee
Journal of Information Systems Education 17 (2), 211, 2006
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Articles 1–20