Hendrik Nunner
Cited by
Cited by
A model for the co-evolution of dynamic social networks and infectious disease dynamics
H Nunner, V Buskens, M Kretzschmar
Computational Social Networks 8 (1), 19, 2021
Health behavior homophily can mitigate the spread of infectious diseases in small-world networks
H Nunner, V Buskens, A Teslya, M Kretzschmar
Social Science & Medicine 312, 115350, 2022
The effect of competition between health opinions on epidemic dynamics
A Teslya, H Nunner, V Buskens, ME Kretzschmar
PNAS nexus 1 (5), pgac260, 2022
Prioritizing high-contact occupations raises effectiveness of vaccination campaigns
H Nunner, A van de Rijt, V Buskens
Scientific reports 12 (1), 737, 2022
The importance of sustained compliance with physical distancing during COVID-19 vaccination rollout
A Teslya, G Rozhnova, TM Pham, DA van Wees, H Nunner, NG Godijk, ...
Communications medicine 2 (1), 146, 2022
The influence of rewards on (sub-) optimal interleaving
CP Janssen, E Everaert, HMA Hendriksen, GL Mensing, LJ Tigchelaar, ...
PloS one 14 (3), e0214027, 2019
Disease avoidance threatens social cohesion in a large-scale social networking experiment
H Nunner, V Buskens, R Corten, C Kaandorp, M Kretzschmar
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 22586, 2023
The Role of Reinforcement Learning in the Emergence of Conventions: Simulation Experiments with the Repeated Volunteer’s Dilemma
H Nunner, W Przepiorka, C Janssen
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 25 (1), 2022
Co-evolution of social networks and infectious diseases
H Nunner
Utrecht University, 2023
Impact of adherence and stringency on the effectiveness of lockdown measures: a modelling study
J Brunekreef, A Teslya, V Buskens, H Nunner, M Kretzschmar
medRxiv, 2024.05. 23.24307781, 2024
Using Agent-Based Modeling to Understand Complex Social Phenomena-A Curriculum Approach
A Calero Valdez, J Nakayama, L Vervier, H Nunner, M Ziefle
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 368-377, 2023
Adapting the “Networking During Infectious Diseases Model”(NIDM) for Science Communication Using Julia and Genie
H Nunner, K Feltes, P Gutsche, H Kuswik, E Luda, L Stellbrink, AC Valdez
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 355-370, 2023
Twitter Survey Data Generation
J Friedel, H Nunner, M Mortaga, L Stellbrink, S Paltra, V Priesemann, ...
OSF, 2023
Prioritizing high-contact professions raises effectiveness of vaccination campaigns
H Nunner, A van de Rijt, V Buskens
EUSN 2021 Book of Abstracts, 2022
How does one coordinate with others? Using computational cognitive models to investigate the emergence of social norms.
H Nunner
The Social Side of Sickness: Insights into the Complex Interplay of Disease Spread, Disease Avoidance, and Social Cohesion
H Nunner, V Buskens, R Corten, C Kaandorp, M Kretzschmar
Model Predictions of Reward Optimization in Discrete Dual-Task Scenarios
CP Janssen, E Everaert, HMA Hendriksen, GL Mensing, LJ Tigchelaar, ...
15th International Conference on Cognitive Modeling, 221, 0
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Articles 1–17