Hollie White
Hollie White
KMO Director, Science and Technology Directorate, Department of Homeland Security
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Cited by
Analysis and synthesis of metadata goals for scientific data
C Willis, J Greenberg, H White
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 63 (8 …, 2012
A metadata best practice for a scientific data repository
J Greenberg, HC White, S Carrier, R Scherle
Journal of Library Metadata 9 (3-4), 194-212, 2009
The Dryad Data Repository: A Singapore Framework Metadata Architecture in a DSpace Environment.
H White, S Carrier, A Thompson, J Greenberg, R Scherle
Dublin core conference, 157-162, 2008
HIVE: Helping interdisciplinary vocabulary engineering
J Greenberg, R Losee, JRP Agüera, R Scherle, H White, C Willis
Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 37 …, 2011
Examining scientific vocabulary: mapping controlled vocabularies with free text keywords
H White
Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 51 (6), 655-674, 2013
Descriptive metadata for scientific data repositories: A comparison of information scientist and scientist organizing behaviors
HC White
Journal of Library Metadata 14 (1), 24-51, 2014
Considering personal organization: Metadata practices of scientists
HC White
Journal of Library Metadata 10 (2-3), 156-172, 2010
Decolonizing the way libraries organize
H White
HIVEing: the effect of a semantic web technology on inter-indexer consistency
H White, C Willis, J Greenberg
Journal of documentation 70 (3), 307-329, 2014
Documentation in technical services
HC White
The Serials Librarian 49 (3), 47-55, 2006
Building support for a discipline-based data repository
R Scherle, S Carrier, J Greenberg, H Lapp, A Thompson, T Vision, ...
Exploring Evolutionary Biologists' Use and Perceptions of Semantic Metadata for Data Curation.
H White
Dublin Core Conference, 202, 2008
A comparative study of LIS accreditation frameworks in Australia, New Zealand, United States, and Canada
L Gibbons, H White
Journal of Education for Library and Information Science 60 (4), 241-264, 2019
Minding the gap: Investigating the alignment of information organization research and practice
H White, P Hider, H Jamali
Information Research: An International Electronic Journal 24 (3), 13-24, 2019
Film genres through different lenses: mapping commonly used film vocabularies onto the Library of Congress Genre/Form Terms
P Hider, H White, P Barlow
Library Trends 69 (3), 630-645, 2021
Thai catalogers’ use and perception of cataloging standards
H White, S Choemprayong
Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 57 (7-8), 530-546, 2019
Organizing scientific data sets: Studying similarities and differences in metadata and subject term creation
HC White
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2012
Representations of Asia in Western Australian public library collections
H White, D Woods
Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association 70 (1), 60-74, 2021
How we talk about the movies: A comparison of Australian, British and American film genre terms
H White, P Hider
Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association 69 (3), 345-356, 2020
The hive impact: contributing to consistency via automatic indexing
H White, C Willis, J Greenberg
Proceedings of the 2012 iConference, 582-584, 2012
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Articles 1–20