Achilles Armenakis
Achilles Armenakis
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Creating readiness for organizational change
AA Armenakis, SG Harris, KW Mossholder
Human relations 46 (6), 681-703, 1993
Organizational change: A review of theory and research in the 1990s
AA Armenakis, AG Bedeian
Journal of management 25 (3), 293-315, 1999
Readiness for organizational change: The systematic development of a scale
DT Holt, AA Armenakis, HS Feild, SG Harris
The Journal of applied behavioral science 43 (2), 232-255, 2007
Change recipients’ reactions to organizational change: A 60-year review of quantitative studies
S Oreg, M Vakola, A Armenakis
The Journal of applied behavioral science 47 (4), 461-524, 2011
Change readiness: A multilevel review
AE Rafferty, NL Jimmieson, AA Armenakis
Journal of management 39 (1), 110-135, 2013
Crafting a change message to create transformational readiness
AA Armenakis, SG Harris
Journal of organizational change management 15 (2), 169-183, 2002
Organizational culture and effectiveness: A study of values, attitudes, and organizational outcomes
BT Gregory, SG Harris, AA Armenakis, CL Shook
Journal of business research 62 (7), 673-679, 2009
Reflections: Our journey in organizational change research and practice
AA Armenakis, SG Harris
Journal of change management 9 (2), 127-142, 2009
A path-analytic study of the consequences of role conflict and ambiguity
AG Bedeian, AA Armenakis
Academy of management journal 24 (2), 417-424, 1981
Organizational change recipients' beliefs scale: Development of an assessment instrument
AA Armenakis, JB Bernerth, JP Pitts, HJ Walker
The Journal of applied behavioral science 43 (4), 481-505, 2007
Justice, cynicism, and commitment: A study of important organizational change variables
JB Bernerth, AA Armenakis, HS Feild, HJ Walker
The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 43 (3), 303-326, 2007
Making change permanent a model for institutionalizing change interventions
AA Armenakis, SG Harris, HS Feild
Research in organizational change and development, 97-128, 2000
Transformational leadership, relationship quality, and employee performance during continuous incremental organizational change
MZ Carter, AA Armenakis, HS Feild, KW Mossholder
Journal of organizational behavior 34 (7), 942-958, 2013
Factors influencing organizational change efforts: An integrative investigation of change content, context, process and individual differences
H Jack Walker, AA Armenakis, JB Bernerth
Journal of organizational change Management 20 (6), 761-773, 2007
The effects of specific job satisfaction facets on customer perceptions of service quality: an employee-level analysis
RL Snipes, SL Oswald, M LaTour, AA Armenakis
Journal of business research 58 (10), 1330-1339, 2005
Toward a comprehensive definition of readiness for change: A review of research and instrumentation
DT Holt, AA Armenakis, SG Harris, HS Feild
Research in organizational change and development 16, 289-336, 2007
Leader–member social exchange (LMSX): Development and validation of a scale
JB Bernerth, AA Armenakis, HS Feild, WF Giles, HJ Walker
Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 2007
Organizational change content, process, and context: A simultaneous analysis of employee reactions
DR Self, AA Armenakis, M Schraeder
Journal of change management 7 (2), 211-229, 2007
Dispositional resistance to change: Measurement equivalence and the link to personal values across 17 nations.
S Oreg, M Bayazit, M Vakola, L Arciniega, A Armenakis, R Barkauskiene, ...
Journal of Applied Psychology 93 (4), 935, 2008
Paradigms in organizational change: Change agent and change target perspectives
AA Armenakis, SG Harris, HS Feild
Public Administration and Public Policy 87, 631-658, 2001
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