Ramesh Sankaranarayana
Cited by
Cited by
Eye‐tracking analysis of user behavior and performance in web search on large and small screens
J Kim, P Thomas, R Sankaranarayana, T Gedeon, HJ Yoon
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 66 (3 …, 2015
Complexity results for well‐covered graphs
RS Sankaranarayana, LK Stewart
Networks 22 (3), 247-262, 1992
A survey of scientific software development
L Nguyen-Hoan, S Flint, R Sankaranarayana
Proceedings of the 2010 ACM-IEEE international symposium on empirical …, 2010
What snippet size is needed in mobile web search?
J Kim, P Thomas, R Sankaranarayana, T Gedeon, HJ Yoon
Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Conference Human Information …, 2017
Pagination versus scrolling in mobile web search
J Kim, P Thomas, R Sankaranarayana, T Gedeon, HJ Yoon
Proceedings of the 25th ACM International on Conference on Information and …, 2016
Understanding eye movements on mobile devices for better presentation of search results
J Kim, P Thomas, R Sankaranarayana, T Gedeon, HJ Yoon
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 67 (11 …, 2016
Pupillary Responses of Asian Observers in Discriminating Real from Fake Smiles: a Preliminary Study
A Hossain, M.Z., Gedeon, T., Sankaranarayana, R., Apthorp, D. & Dawel
Measuring Behaviour, Dublin, Ireland, 2016
Comparing scanning behaviour in web search on small and large screens
J Kim, P Thomas, R Sankaranarayana, T Gedeon
Proceedings of the Seventeenth Australasian Document Computing Symposium, 25-30, 2012
HTNet for micro-expression recognition
Z Wang, K Zhang, W Luo, R Sankaranarayana
Neurocomputing 602, 128196, 2024
Observer’s Galvanic Skin Response for Discriminating Real from Fake Smiles
MZ Hossain, T Gedeon, R Sankaranarayana
The 27th Australasian Conference on Information Systems, 2016
Designing a distributed JVM on a cluster
JN Zigman, R Sankaranarayana
Proceedings of the 17th European Simulation Multiconference, Nottingham …, 2003
Using temporal features of observers’ physiological measures to distinguish between genuine and fake smiles
MZ Hossain, T Gedeon, R Sankaranarayana
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 11 (1), 163-173, 2018
Internet voting: concerns and solutions
CK Wu, R Sankaranarayana
First International Symposium on Cyber Worlds, 2002. Proceedings., 261-266, 2002
New-web search with microblog annotations
T Rowlands, D Hawking, R Sankaranarayana
Proceedings of the 19th international conference on World wide web, 1293-1296, 2010
Uicmm: A maturity model for university-industry collaboration
R Awasthy, S Flint, RL Jones, R Sankaranarayana
2018 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation …, 2018
Object-oriented Sokoban solver: A serious game project for OOAD and AI education
Z Li, L O'Brien, S Flint, R Sankaranarayana
2014 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE) Proceedings, 1-4, 2014
Focused Crawling in Depression Portal Search: A Feasibility Study.
TT Tang, D Hawking, N Craswell, RS Sankaranarayana
ADCS, 1-9, 2004
Relative effect of spam and irrelevant documents on user interaction with search engines
T Jones, D Hawking, P Thomas, R Sankaranarayana
Proceedings of the 20th ACM international conference on Information and …, 2011
Quality-oriented search for depression portals
T Tang, D Hawking, R Sankaranarayana, KM Griffiths, N Craswell
Advances in Information Retrieval: 31th European Conference on IR Research …, 2009
Workload sampling for enterprise search evaluation
T Rowlands, D Hawking, R Sankaranarayana
Proceedings of the 30th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on …, 2007
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Articles 1–20