Mohammad Khalaf Daoud
Mohammad Khalaf Daoud
Jadara University
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Cited by
Mobile marketing: Exploring the efficacy of user-centric strategies for enhanced consumer engagement and conversion rates
MK Daoud, M Al-Qeed, AYB Ahmad, JA Al-Gasawneh
International Journal of Membrane Science and Technology 10 (2), 1252-1262, 2023
Riding the waves of artificial intelligence in advancing accounting and its implications for sustainable development goals
Y Peng, SF Ahmad, AYAB Ahmad, MS Al Shaikh, MK Daoud, ...
Sustainability 15 (19), 14165, 2023
EcoConnect: Guiding environmental awareness via digital marketing approaches
MK Daoud, S Taha, M Al-Qeed, Y Alsafadi, AYA Bani Ahmad, M Allahham
Growing Science, 2024
Exploring the impact of artificial intelligence in personalized content marketing: a contemporary digital marketing
DR Alqurashi, M Alkhaffaf, MK Daoud, JA Al-Gasawneh, M Alghizzawi
Migration Letters 20 (S8), 548-560, 2023
The impact of website quality on online purchase intention: The mediating effect of e-WOM, Jordan context
MA Aljabari, JM Joudeh, AI Aljumah, J Al-Gasawneh, MK Daoud
International Journal of Professional Business Review 8 (6), e02143-e02143, 2023
The Relationship Between Mobile Marketing and Customer Perceptions in Jordanian Commercial Banks: The Electronic Quality as A Mediator Variable
MK Daoud, D Alqudah, M Al-Qeed, BA Al Qaied, A Ahmad
International Journal of Membrane Science and Technology 10 (2), 1360-1371, 2023
Al Shaikh, Mohammad Khalaf Daoud, and Fuad Mohammed Hussein Alhamdi. 2023." Riding the Waves of Artificial Intelligence in Advancing Accounting and Its Implications for …
Y Peng, SF Ahmad, AYAB Ahmad, S Mustafa
Big data analytics and AI for green supply chain integration and sustainability in hospitals
WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development 19, 1218-1230, 2023
The role of artificial intelligence and the internet of things in the development of medical radiology (an experimental study on magnetic resonance imaging)
MK Daoud, M Otair
2020 International conference on intelligent computing and human-computer …, 2020
Exploring the Effectiveness of Augmented Reality in Enhancing Brand Engagement: A Study of Digital Marketing Strategies.
MK Daoud, D Alqudah, M Al-Qeed, JA Al GASAWNEH
Quality-Access to Success 24 (196), 2023
The role of competitive advantage between search engine optimization and shaping the mental image of private Jordanian University students using google
MK Daoud, M Al-Qeed, JA Al-Gasawneh, AYB Ahmad
International Information and Engineering Technology Association, 2023
The impact of mobile marketing 4ss mix on electronic service quality and customer satisfaction the perspective customers of Jordanian commercial banks
MK Daoud, MSB Saadon
International Journal of Economics and Management Systems 7, 2022
Examining the ethical implications of data privacy and targeted advertising in digital marketing: Consumer perceptions
MK Daoud, DM Al-Qeed, JA Al-Gasawneh, A Ziani
2023 Tenth International Conference on Social Networks Analysis, Management …, 2023
Effects of artificial integration and big data analysis on economic viability of solar microgrids: mediating role of cost benefit analysis
AAA Sharabati, M Allahham, H AbuSaimeh, AYB Ahmad, S Sabra, ...
Operational Research in Engineering Sciences: Theory and Applications 6 (3), 2023
Internet advertisements and brand equity amongst user-generated content and purchase intention
JA Al-Gasawneh, M Alsoud, A Alsokkar, LH Warrad, J Saputra, M Daoud
Migration Letters 20 (S8), 467-478, 2023
Investigating the Consequences for the Economy Arising from the Utilization of Mobile Marketing Within the Framework of Cybercrime
M Al-Qeed, MK Daoud, SKA Aljaabari, FMA Keelani, S Taha, H Alsrehan
2023 Tenth International Conference on Social Networks Analysis, Management …, 2023
How corporate social responsibility enhances reputation, and organizational brand image?
BAM Fraihat, K adnan Bataineh, EAS Aln'emi, AYAB Ahmad, MK Daoud, ...
Journal of Namibian Studies: History Politics Culture 33, 5216-5246, 2023
Investigate the Influence of Social Media Marketing Campaigns on the Acceptance of the Vaccination Program Approved by the Jordanian Ministry of Health Among Jordanian Families
MK Daoud, HF Alfedaan, RSA Elawii, AYAB Ahmad, JA Al-Gasawneh, ...
Journal of Namibian Studies: History Politics Culture 33, 5053-5066, 2023
The Demographic and Psychological factors (Targeting Segmentation) Effect on the Effectiveness of Digital Advertising Campaigns in Arab Markets
MK Daoud, H Al-Srehan, M Al-Qeed, YAAA Megdadi, JA Al-Gasawneh, ...
Journal of Namibian Studies: History Politics Culture 33, 5160-5172, 2023
Optimizing online visibility: A comprehensive study on effective SEO strategies and their impact on website ranking
MK Daoud, AA Sharabati, T Samarah, D Alqurashi, A Alfityani, ...
Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development 8 (7), 4860, 2024
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Articles 1–20