Caroline Rodier
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Cited by
Transit-based smart parking: An evaluation of the San Francisco bay area field test
CJ Rodier, SA Shaheen
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 18 (2), 225-233, 2010
Review of international modeling literature: Transit, land use, and auto pricing strategies to reduce vehicle miles traveled and greenhouse gas emissions
C Rodier
Transportation research record 2132 (1), 1-12, 2009
Travel effects of a suburban commuter carsharing service: CarLink case study
SA Shaheen, CJ Rodier
Transportation research record 1927 (1), 182-188, 2005
Cruising and on-street parking pricing: A difference-in-difference analysis of measured parking search time and distance in San Francisco
F Alemi, C Rodier, C Drake
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 111, 187-198, 2018
Comparisons from Sacramento model test bed
JD Hunt, R Johnston, JE Abraham, CJ Rodier, GR Garry, SH Putman, ...
Transportation Research Record 1780 (1), 53-63, 2001
Uncertain socioeconomic projections used in travel demand and emissions models: could plausible errors result in air quality nonconformity?
CJ Rodier, RA Johnston
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 36 (7), 613-631, 2002
Heuristic policy analysis of regional land use, transit, and travel pricing scenarios using two urban models
CJ Rodier, RA Johnston, JE Abraham
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 7 (4), 243-254, 2002
The effects of ride hailing services on travel and associated greenhouse gas emissions
C Rodier
Carsharing and carfree housing: predicted travel, emission, and economic benefits: A case study of the Sacramento, California Region
C Rodier, SA Shaheen
Anatomy of induced travel using an integrated land use and transportation model in the Sacramento region
CJ Rodier, JE Abraham, RA Johnston, JD Hunt
80th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC 6, 7, 2001
Achieving reductions in greenhouse gases in the US road transportation sector
AI Kay, RB Noland, CJ Rodier
Energy Policy 69, 536-545, 2014
Dynamic ridesharing: Exploration of potential for reduction in vehicle miles traveled
C Rodier, F Alemi, D Smith
Transportation Research Record 2542 (1), 120-126, 2016
Carsharing and public parking policies: assessing benefits, costs, and best practices in North America
SA Shaheen, C Rodier, G Murray, A Cohen, E Martin
Evaluation of advanced transit alternatives using consumer welfare
CJ Rodier, RA Johnston, DR Shabazian
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 6 (1-2), 141-156, 1998
Travel, emissions, and welfare effects of travel demand management measures
CJ Rodier, RA Johnston
Transportation Research Record 1598 (1), 18-24, 1997
Autonomous vehicles and the built environment: exploring the impacts on different urban contexts
W Riggs, N Larco, G Tierney, M Ruhl, J Karlin-Resnick, C Rodier
Road Vehicle Automation 5, 221-232, 2019
Transit-based smart parking in the San Francisco Bay Area, California: assessment of user demand and behavioral effects
CJ Rodier, SA Shaheen, AM Eaken
Transportation research record 1927 (1), 167-173, 2005
Travel effects and associated greenhouse gas emissions of automated vehicles
CJ Rodier
Automated speed enforcement in the US: a review of the literature on benefits and barriers to implementation
CJ Rodier, SA Shaheen, E Cavanagh
Transportation Research Board 87 th Annual Meeting. CD-ROM. Washington, DC, 2007
Travel behavior of Mexican and other immigrant groups in California
S Handy, E Blumenberg, M Donahue, K Lovejoy, C Rodier, S Shaheen, ...
Berkeley Planning Journal 21 (1), 2008
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Articles 1–20