osman mohamad
osman mohamad
Adjunct Prof, Faculty of Management, Multimedia University
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Does Image of Country-of-origin Matter to Brand Equity?
M NM Yasin, MN Noor, O Mohamad
Journal of Product and Brand Management 16 (1), 38-48, 2007
Green product purchase intention: Some insights from a developing country
T Ramayah, JWC Lee, O Mohamad
Resources, conservation and recycling 54 (12), 1419-1427, 2010
The impact of service quality on customer loyalty: A study of banks in Penang, Malaysia
LL Kheng, O Mahamad, T Ramayah
International journal of marketing studies 2 (2), 57, 2010
Service quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty: a test of mediation
O Mahamad, T Ramayah, R Mosahab
International business research 3 (4), 72, 2010
International risk perceptions and mode of entry: a case study of Malaysian multinational firms
ZU Ahmed, O Mohamad, B Tan, JP Johnson
Journal of Business Research 55 (10), 805-813, 2002
Export promotion programs of Malaysian firms: An international marketing perspective
ZU Ahmed, O Mohamad, J Johnson
Journal of Business Research 55 (10), 831-843, 2002
Islamic social business to alleviate poverty and social inequality
MN Aziz, OB Mohamad
International Journal of Social Economics 43 (6), 573-592, 2016
Does' made in...'matter to consumers? A Malaysian study of country of origin effect
O Mohamad, ZU Ahmed, ED Honeycutt Jr, TH Tyebkhan
Multinational Business Review 8 (2), 69-69, 2000
Testing the dimensionality of Consumer Ethnocentrism Scale (CETSCALE) among a young Malaysian consumer market segment
PC Teo, O Mohamad, T Ramayah
African Journal of Business Management 5 (7), 2805, 2011
The market orientation–performance relationship: The empirical link in export ventures
CC Julian, O Mohamad, ZU Ahmed, S Sefnedi
Thunderbird International Business Review 56 (1), 97-110, 2014
The determinants of housing satisfaction level: A study on residential development project by Penang Development Corporation (PDC)
M Jaafar, NL Hasan
Jurnal Kemanusiaan 3 (2), 2005
Effects of skepticism on consumer response toward cause-related marketing in Malaysia
MM Anuar, O Mohamad
International business research 5 (9), 98, 2012
Technology adoption among small and medium enterprises (SME's): A research agenda
R Thurasamy, O Mohamad, A Omar, M Marimuthu
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 53, 943-946, 2009
Assessing the antecedents of customer loyalty on healthcare insurance products: Service quality; perceived value embedded model
FA Abdelfattah, MS Rahman, O Mohamad
Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management (JIEM) 8 (5), 1639-1660, 2015
Technology Acceptance Model: is it applicable to users and non users of internet banking
T Ramayah, JJ Ma’ruf, M Jantan, M Osman
The proceedings of the international Seminar, Indonesia-Malaysia, the role …, 2002
Corporate Entrepreneurship and Firm Performance: The Role of Business Environment as a Moderator.
O Mohamad, T Ramayah, H Puspowarsito, D Natalisa, DPE Saerang
IUP Journal of Management Research 10 (3), 2011
Determining factors for the usage of web-based marketing applications by small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Malaysia
A Omar, T Ramayah, LB Lin, O Mohamad, M Marimuthu
Journal of Marketing Development and Competitiveness 5 (2), 70-86, 2011
Technology usage among owners/managers of SME’s: The role of demographic and motivational variables
T Ramayah, R Siron, N Dahlan, O Mohamad
The proceedings of the 6th Annual Asian-Pacific Forum for Small Business on …, 2002
E-lifestyle, customer satisfaction, and loyalty among the generation Y mobile users
SH Hassan, T Ramayah, O Mohamed, A Maghsoudi
Asian Social Science 11 (4), 157, 2015
Outsourcing: is the social exchange theory still relevant in developing countries?
J Wai Chow Lee, O Mohamad, T Ramayah
Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing 4 (4), 316-345, 2010
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