John Quilty
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Cited by
Modeling of daily pan evaporation in sub tropical climates using ANN, LS-SVR, Fuzzy Logic, and ANFIS
MK Goyal, B Bharti, J Quilty, J Adamowski, A Pandey
Expert systems with applications 41 (11), 5267-5276, 2014
Stream-flow forecasting using extreme learning machines: a case study in a semi-arid region in Iraq
ZM Yaseen, O Jaafar, RC Deo, O Kisi, J Adamowski, J Quilty, A El-Shafie
Journal of Hydrology 542, 603-614, 2016
Forecasting effective drought index using a wavelet extreme learning machine (W-ELM) model
RC Deo, MK Tiwari, JF Adamowski, JM Quilty
Stochastic environmental research and risk assessment 31, 1211-1240, 2017
Addressing the incorrect usage of wavelet-based hydrological and water resources forecasting models for real-world applications with best practices and a new forecasting framework
J Quilty, J Adamowski
Journal of hydrology 563, 336-353, 2018
Coupling machine learning methods with wavelet transforms and the bootstrap and boosting ensemble approaches for drought prediction
A Belayneh, J Adamowski, B Khalil, J Quilty
Atmospheric research 172, 37-47, 2016
Multiscale groundwater level forecasting: Coupling new machine learning approaches with wavelet transforms
ATMS Rahman, T Hosono, JM Quilty, J Das, A Basak
Advances in Water Resources 141, 103595, 2020
On the applicability of maximum overlap discrete wavelet transform integrated with MARS and M5 model tree for monthly pan evaporation prediction
A Ghaemi, M Rezaie-Balf, J Adamowski, O Kisi, J Quilty
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 278, 107647, 2019
Coupling the maximum overlap discrete wavelet transform and long short-term memory networks for irrigation flow forecasting
S Mouatadid, JF Adamowski, MK Tiwari, JM Quilty
Agricultural Water Management 219, 72-85, 2019
Very short-term reactive forecasting of the solar ultraviolet index using an extreme learning machine integrated with the solar zenith angle
RC Deo, N Downs, AV Parisi, JF Adamowski, JM Quilty
Environmental research 155, 141-166, 2017
Bootstrap rank‐ordered conditional mutual information (broCMI): A nonlinear input variable selection method for water resources modeling
J Quilty, J Adamowski, B Khalil, M Rathinasamy
Water Resources Research 52 (3), 2299-2326, 2016
Using ensembles of adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system and optimization algorithms to predict reference evapotranspiration in subtropical climatic zones
DK Roy, R Barzegar, J Quilty, J Adamowski
Journal of Hydrology 591, 125509, 2020
A stochastic data‐driven ensemble forecasting framework for water resources: A case study using ensemble members derived from a database of deterministic wavelet‐based models
J Quilty, J Adamowski, MA Boucher
Water Resources Research 55 (1), 175-202, 2019
Improving GALDIT-based groundwater vulnerability predictive mapping using coupled resampling algorithms and machine learning models
R Barzegar, S Razzagh, J Quilty, J Adamowski, HK Pour, MJ Booij
Journal of hydrology 598, 126370, 2021
Data assimilation for streamflow forecasting using extreme learning machines and multilayer perceptrons
MA Boucher, J Quilty, J Adamowski
Water Resources Research 56 (6), e2019WR026226, 2020
Using bootstrap ELM and LSSVM models to estimate river ice thickness in the Mackenzie River Basin in the Northwest Territories, Canada
R Barzegar, M Ghasri, Z Qi, J Quilty, J Adamowski
Journal of hydrology 577, 123903, 2019
A novel ensemble-based conceptual-data-driven approach for improved streamflow simulations
AE Sikorska-Senoner, JM Quilty
Environmental Modelling & Software 143, 105094, 2021
A stochastic wavelet-based data-driven framework for forecasting uncertain multiscale hydrological and water resources processes
J Quilty, J Adamowski
Environmental Modelling & Software 130, 104718, 2020
Probabilistic urban water demand forecasting using wavelet-based machine learning models
M Rezaali, J Quilty, A Karimi
Journal of Hydrology 600, 126358, 2021
A maximal overlap discrete wavelet packet transform integrated approach for rainfall forecasting–A case study in the Awash River Basin (Ethiopia)
J Quilty, J Adamowski
Environmental Modelling & Software 144, 105119, 2021
A quantile-based encoder-decoder framework for multi-step ahead runoff forecasting
MS Jahangir, J You, J Quilty
Journal of Hydrology 619, 129269, 2023
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