William Hoverd
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Cited by
The Mini-IPIP6: Validation and extension of a short measure of the Big-Six factors of personality in New Zealand.
CG Sibley, N Luyten, M Purnomo, A Mobberley, LW Wootton, ...
New Zealand Journal of Psychology 40 (3), 2011
Pluralistic and monocultural facets of New Zealand national character and identity
CG Sibley, WJ Hoverd, JH Liu
New Zealand Journal of Psychology (Online) 40 (3), 19, 2011
The gap in the subjective wellbeing of Māori and New Zealand Europeans widened between 2005 and 2009
CG Sibley, N Harré, WJ Hoverd, CA Houkamau
Social indicators research 104, 103-115, 2011
Religion, deprivation and subjective wellbeing: Testing a religious buffering hypothesis
WJ Hoverd, CG Sibley
International Journal of Wellbeing 3 (2), 2013
Ethnic group stereotypes in New Zealand.
CG Sibley, K Stewart, C Houkamau, S Manuela, R Perry, LW Wootton, ...
New Zealand journal of psychology 40 (2), 25-36, 2011
New Zealand religious community responses to COVID-19 while under level 4 lockdown
T Oxholm, C Rivera, K Schirrman, WJ Hoverd
Journal of Religion and Health 60 (1), 16-33, 2021
How much happiness does money buy? Income and subjective well-being in New Zealand
NK Sengupta, D Osborne, CA Houkamau, WJ Hoverd, MS Wilson, ...
New Zealand Journal of Psychology 41 (2), 21-34, 2012
Immoral bodies: the implicit association between moral discourse and the body
WJ Hoverd, CG Sibley
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 46 (3), 391-403, 2007
No Longer a Christian Country?-Religious Demographic Change in New Zealand 1966-2006.
WJ Hoverd
New Zealand Sociology 23 (1), 2008
What's in a flag? Subliminal exposure to New Zealand national symbols and the automatic activation of egalitarian versus dominance values
CG Sibley, WJ Hoverd, J Duckitt
The Journal of social psychology 151 (4), 494-516, 2011
Religious and denominational diversity in New Zealand 2009
WJ Hoverd, CG Sibley
New Zealand Sociology 25 (2), 59-87, 2010
Ethnic group labels and intergroup attitudes in New Zealand: Naming preferences predict distinct ingroup and outgroup biases
CG Sibley, CA Houkamau, WJ Hoverd
Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy 11 (1), 201-220, 2011
Group size and the trajectory of religious identification
WJ Hoverd, QD Atkinson, CG Sibley
Journal for the scientific study of religion 51 (2), 286-303, 2012
Working Out My Salvation
WJ Hoverd
Meyer & Meyer Verlag, 2005
Forecasting religious change: A Bayesian model predicting proportional Christian change in New Zealand
WJ Hoverd, J Bulbulia, N Partow, CG Sibley
Religion, Brain & Behavior 5 (1), 15-23, 2015
The Christchurch Call: insecurity, democracy and digital media-can it really counter online hate and extremism?
WJ Hoverd, L Salter, K Veale
SN Social Sciences 1 (1), 2, 2020
Does poverty predict religion?
WJ Hoverd, J Bulbulia, CG Sibley
Religion, Brain & Behavior 3 (3), 185-200, 2013
The critical analysis of religious diversity
L Kühle, J Borup, W Hoverd
Brill, 2018
Representing New Zealand Religious Diversity? The Removal of the Words “True Religion” and “Jesus Christ” from the Parliamentary Prayer
T Oxholm, C Rivera, K Schirrman, W Hoverd
Journal of Church and State 64 (1), 87-109, 2022
The changing New Zealand national security environment: New threats, new structures, and new research
W Hoverd
National Security Journal 1 (2019), 17-34, 2019
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Articles 1–20