Petr Parshakov
Petr Parshakov
Other namesПетр Паршаков
HSE University and Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO
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Cited by
Rethinking the corporate digital divide: The complementarity of technologies and the demand for digital skills
E Shakina, P Parshakov, A Alsufiev
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 162, 120405, 2021
Determinants of performance in eSports: A country-level analysis
P Parshakov, M Zavertiaeva
International Journal of Sport Finance 13 (1), 34-51, 2018
Is diversity good or bad? Evidence from eSports teams analysis
P Parshakov, D Coates, M Zavertiaeva
Applied Economics 50 (47), 5064-5075, 2018
Does football sponsorship improve company performance?
I Naidenova, P Parshakov, A Chmykhov
European Sport Management Quarterly 16 (2), 129-147, 2016
The wisdom of crowds and transfer market values
D Coates, P Parshakov
European Journal of Operational Research 301 (2), 523-534, 2022
Spillover effect in promotion: Evidence from video game publishers and eSports tournaments
P Parshakov, I Naidenova, A Barajas
Journal of Business Research 118, 262-270, 2020
Success in eSports: Does Country Matter?
P Parshakov, M Zavertiaeva
Intellectual capital investments: evidence from panel VAR analysis
I Naidenova, P Parshakov
Journal of Intellectual Capital 14 (4), 634-660, 2013
Team vs. individual tournaments: evidence from prize structure in eSports
D Coates, P Parshakov
Higher School of Economics Research Paper No. WP BRP 138, 2016
With or without CU: A comparative study of efficiency of European and Russian corporate universities
P Parshakov, EA Shakina
Journal of intellectual capital 19 (1), 96-111, 2018
Do companies disclose intellectual capital in their annual reports? New evidence from explorative content analysis
P Parshakov, E Shakina
Journal of Intellectual Capital 21 (6), 853-871, 2020
Digital relational capital of a company
M Molodchik, S Paklina, P Parshakov
Meditari Accountancy Research 26 (3), 443-462, 2018
Look for people, not for alpha: mutual funds success and managers intellectual capital
I Naidenova, P Parshakov, M Zavertiaeva, E Tomé
Measuring Business Excellence 19 (4), 57-71, 2015
Idiosyncratic and systematic shocks of COVID-19 pandemic on financial markets
I Naidenova, P Parshakov, E Shakina
Available at SSRN 3574774, 2020
Поведенческие аспекты формирования структуры капитала компании
МА Осколкова, ПА Паршаков, АМ Яковлева
Финансы и кредит, 47-56, 2012
Do lgbtq-supportive corporate policies affect consumer behavior? evidence from the video game industry
P Parshakov, I Naidenova, C Gomez-Gonzalez, C Nesseler
Journal of business ethics 187 (3), 421-432, 2023
Uncertainty of outcome and attendance: Evidence from Russian football
K Baydina, P Parshakov, M Zavertiaeva
International Journal of Sport Finance 16 (1), 33-43, 2021
Determinants of Russian Football Club Brands.
D Coates, I Naidenova, P Parshakov
International Journal of Sport Finance 12 (4), 2017
Peer effects on individual performance in a team sport
M Molodchik, S Paklina, P Parshakov
Journal of Sports Economics 22 (5), 571-586, 2021
Does video games’ popularity affect unemployment rate? Evidence from macro-level analysis
P Parshakov, S Paklina, D Coates, A Chadov
Journal of Economic Studies 48 (4), 817-835, 2021
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Articles 1–20