Michael Speriosu
Cited by
Cited by
Twitter polarity classification with label propagation over lexical links and the follower graph
M Speriosu, N Sudan, S Upadhyay, J Baldridge
Proceedings of the First workshop on Unsupervised Learning in NLP, 53-63, 2011
Supervised Text-based Geolocation Using Language Models on an Adaptive Grid
S Roller, M Speriosu, S Rallapalli, B Wing, J Baldridge
The role of prosody in the English dative alternation
A Anttila, M Adams, M Speriosu
Language and Cognitive Processes 25 (7-9), 946-981, 2010
Text-Driven Toponym Resolution using Indirect Supervision
M Speriosu, J Baldridge
Connecting language and geography with region-topic models
M Speriosu, T Brown, T Moon, J Baldridge, K Erk
Proc. Workshop on Computational Models of Spatial Language Interpretation …, 2010
Methods and applications of text-driven toponym resolution with indirect supervision
MA Speriosu
The University of Texas at Austin, 2013
Comparison of Okapi BM25 and language modeling algorithms for NTCIR-6
M Speriosu, T Tashiro
Justsystems Corporation 14, 2006
Twitter polarity classification with label propagation over lexical links and the follower graph, 53-63
M Speriosu, N Sudan, S Upadhyay, J Baldridge
Semisupervised sentiment analysis of tweets based on noisy emoticon labels
MA Speriosu
The University of Texas at Austin, 2011
The role of prosody in constituent ordering
A Anttila, M Adams, M Speriosu
Talk presented at Experimental and Theoretical Advances in Prosody, Cornell …, 2008
A phonological analysis of the dative alternation in spoken English
M Speriosu
Unpublished manuscript, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 2007
Proceedings of the First workshop on Unsupervised Learning in NLP
S Goldwater, J Eisenstein, T Yano, W Cohen, N Smith, E Xing, ...
Proceedings of the First workshop on Unsupervised Learning in NLP, 113-123, 2011
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Articles 1–12