Tom Gedeon
Tom Gedeon
Human-Centric Advancements Chair in AI, Curtin University
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Collecting large, richly annotated facial-expression databases from movies
A Dhall, R Goecke, S Lucey, T Gedeon
IEEE multimedia 19 (3), 34, 2012
Static facial expression analysis in tough conditions: Data, evaluation protocol and benchmark
A Dhall, R Goecke, S Lucey, T Gedeon
2011 IEEE international conference on computer vision workshops (ICCV …, 2011
Objective measures, sensors and computational techniques for stress recognition and classification: A survey
N Sharma, T Gedeon
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 108 (3), 1287-1301, 2012
Video and image based emotion recognition challenges in the wild: Emotiw 2015
A Dhall, OV Ramana Murthy, R Goecke, J Joshi, T Gedeon
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM on international conference on multimodal …, 2015
Artificial neural networks: a new method for mineral prospectivity mapping
WM Brown, TD Gedeon, DI Groves, RG Barnes
Australian journal of earth sciences 47 (4), 757-770, 2000
A generalized concept for fuzzy rule interpolation
P Baranyi, LT Kóczy, TD Gedeon
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 12 (6), 820-837, 2004
Emotion recognition using PHOG and LPQ features
A Dhall, A Asthana, R Goecke, T Gedeon
2011 IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition …, 2011
Data mining of inputs: analysing magnitude and functional measures
TD Gedeon
International journal of neural systems 8 (02), 209-218, 1997
Emotion recognition in the wild challenge 2014: Baseline, data and protocol
A Dhall, R Goecke, J Joshi, K Sikka, T Gedeon
Proceedings of the 16th international conference on multimodal interaction …, 2014
Image dehazing transformer with transmission-aware 3d position embedding
CL Guo, Q Yan, S Anwar, R Cong, W Ren, C Li
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2022
From individual to group-level emotion recognition: Emotiw 5.0
A Dhall, R Goecke, S Ghosh, J Joshi, J Hoey, T Gedeon
Proceedings of the 19th ACM international conference on multimodal …, 2017
Network Reduction Techniques
DH Gedeon, T.D.
Proceedings International Conference on Neural Networks Methodologies and …, 1991
Emotion recognition in the wild challenge 2013
A Dhall, R Goecke, J Joshi, M Wagner, T Gedeon
Proceedings of the 15th ACM on International conference on multimodal …, 2013
Simulating content consistent vehicle datasets with attribute descent
Y Yao, L Zheng, X Yang, M Naphade, T Gedeon
Computer Vision–ECCV 2020: 16th European Conference, Glasgow, UK, August 23 …, 2020
Emotiw 2016: Video and group-level emotion recognition challenges
A Dhall, R Goecke, J Joshi, J Hoey, T Gedeon
Proceedings of the 18th ACM international conference on multimodal …, 2016
Simulated annealing and weight decay in adaptive learning: The SARPROP algorithm
NK Treadgold, TD Gedeon
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 9 (4), 662-668, 1998
Fuzzy rule interpolation for multidimensional input spaces with applications: A case study
KW Wong, D Tikk, TD Gedeon, LT Kóczy
IEEE transactions on fuzzy systems 13 (6), 809-819, 2005
Invertible denoising network: A light solution for real noise removal
Y Liu, Z Qin, S Anwar, P Ji, D Kim, S Caldwell, T Gedeon
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2021
A survey on universal approximation and its limits in soft computing techniques
D Tikk, LT Kóczy, TD Gedeon
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 33 (2), 185-202, 2003
Emotiw 2018: Audio-video, student engagement and group-level affect prediction
A Dhall, A Kaur, R Goecke, T Gedeon
Proceedings of the 20th ACM International Conference on Multimodal …, 2018
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Articles 1–20