H. Joon Park
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Cited by
Cellular automaton based simulation of large pedestrian facilities-a case study on the staten island ferry terminals
L Crociani, G Lämmel, HJ Park, G Vizzari
arXiv preprint arXiv:1709.03297, 2017
Pedestrian crossing behavior and compliance at signalized intersections
HJ Park, S Li, W Yu, W Yang, W Alhajyaseen, M Iryo-Asano
17th International Conference Road Safety On Five Continents (RS5C 2016 …, 2016
Investigation of pedestrian crossing speeds at signalized intersections with heavy pedestrian volumes
HJ Park, W Yang, W Yu, I Wagner, S Ahmed
Transportation Research Record 2463 (1), 62-69, 2014
Data mining strategies for real-time control in new york city
HJ Park, PH Kim, M Marsico, N Rasheed
Procedia Computer Science 32, 109-116, 2014
Pedestrian modeling using cellular automata approach for urban street facility: A case study in vicinity of grand central terminal, new york city 2
G Lämmel, HJ Park, J Zhang
Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board 95th Annual Meeting, 2016
MOVES Project Level Traffic and Air Quality Analyses-A New Collaborative Approach
L Farrell, ERM Pelaez, G Comerford, R Frazier, M Goff, S Ahmed, HJ Park, ...
Transportation Research Board 94th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2015
Investigation on lane operation restriction (LOR) policy at on-ramp junctions
HJ Park
New York University (AKA. Polytechnic University), 2003
Crossing Behavior and Optimal Signal Control Policy at Primary School Crosswalks
W Yang, HC Li, HJ Park, W Yu, S Li, S Park
Transportation Research Board 95th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2016
A Study on lane operation restriction (LOR) policy at on-ramp junctions
HJ Park, RP Roess
Procedia Computer Science 52, 592-599, 2015
Comparative evaluation on left turn safety measures at signalized intersections in New York City
HJ Park
18th International Conference Road Safety on Five Continents (RS5C 2018 …, 2018
Evaluation of Lane Operation Restriction Design 2 At Work Zone along the Staten Island Expressway 3
HJ Park, L Kim, W Yu, W Yang, RP Roess
Comparative Analysis on the Maneuver of Turning Vehicles at Crosswalks in United States and Japan
HJ Park, W Alhajyaseen, M Iryo-Asano
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