Rodolphe DURAND
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Institutional Change in Toque Ville: Nouvelle Cuisine as an Identity Movement in French Gastronomy
H Rao, P Monin, R Durand
American journal of sociology 108 (4), 795-843, 2003
Do ratings of firms converge? Implications for managers, investors and strategy researchers
AK Chatterji, R Durand, DI Levine, S Touboul
Strategic Management Journal 37 (8), 1597-1614, 2016
Border crossing: Bricolage and the erosion of categorical boundaries in French gastronomy
H Rao, P Monin, R Durand
American Sociological Review 70 (6), 968-991, 2005
The missing link between the theory and empirics of path dependence: Conceptual clarification, testability issue, and methodological implications
JP Vergne, R Durand
Journal of management studies 47 (4), 736-759, 2010
Putting communication front and center in institutional theory and analysis
JP Cornelissen, R Durand, PC Fiss, JC Lammers, E Vaara
Academy of Management Review 40 (1), 10-27, 2015
Category stretching: Reorienting research on categories in strategy, entrepreneurship, and organization theory
R Durand, L Paolella
Journal of Management Studies 50 (6), 1100-1123, 2013
The impact of norm‐conforming behaviors on firm reputation
D Philippe, R Durand
Strategic management journal 32 (9), 969-993, 2011
Age, order of entry, strategic orientation, and organizational performance
R Durand, R Coeurderoy
Journal of business venturing 16 (5), 471-494, 2001
Willing and Able: A General Model of Organizational Responses to Normative Pressures
R Durand, O Hawn, I Ioannou
Academy of Management Review 44 (2), 299-320, 2019
The path of most persistence: An evolutionary perspective on path dependence and dynamic capabilities
JP Vergne, R Durand
Organization Studies 32 (3), 365-382, 2011
Legitimating agencies in the face of selection: The case of AACSB
R Durand, J McGuire
Organization studies 26 (2), 165-196, 2005
Code and conduct in French cuisine: Impact of code changes on external evaluations
R Durand, H Rao, P Monin
Strategic Management Journal 28 (5), 455-472, 2007
The expanding domain of strategic management research and the quest for integration
Durand R, Grant R, and Madsen T
Strategic Management Journal 38 (1), 4-16, 2017
Asset divestment as a response to media attacks in stigmatized industries
R Durand, JP Vergne
Strategic Management Journal 36 (8), 1205-1223, 2015
Predicting a firm's forecasting ability: The roles of organizational illusion of control and organizational attention
R Durand
Strategic Management Journal 24 (9), 821-838, 2003
Causation, counterfactuals, and competitive advantage
R Durand, E Vaara
Strategic Management Journal 30 (12), 1245-1264, 2009
Organizational adaptation
A Sarta, R Durand, JP Vergne
Journal of management 47 (1), 43-75, 2021
Do investors actually value sustainability indices? Replication, development, and new evidence on CSR visibility
R Durand, L Paugam, H Stolowy
Strategic Management Journal 40 (9), 1471-1490, 2019
Ownership, organization, and private firms' efficient use of resources
R Durand, V Vargas
Strategic Management Journal 24 (7), 667-675, 2003
The missing lens in family firm governance theory: A self-other typology of parental altruism
MH Lubatkin, R Durand, Y Ling
Journal of Business Research 60 (10), 1022-1029, 2007
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Articles 1–20