Kenneth Mavor
Cited by
Cited by
Aligning identities, emotions, and beliefs to create commitment to sustainable social and political action
EF Thomas, C McGarty, KI Mavor
Personality and social psychology review 13 (3), 194-218, 2009
Transforming “apathy into movement”: The role of prosocial emotions in motivating action for social change
EF Thomas, C McGarty, KI Mavor
Personality and Social Psychology Review 13 (4), 310-333, 2009
Why do people engage in collective action? Revisiting the role of perceived effectiveness
MJ Hornsey, L Blackwood, W Louis, K Fielding, K Mavor, T Morton, ...
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 36 (7), 1701-1722, 2006
Social identities facilitate and encapsulate action-relevant constructs: A test of the social identity model of collective action
EF Thomas, KI Mavor, C McGarty
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 15 (1), 75-88, 2012
Blinded by beauty: Attractiveness bias and accurate perceptions of academic performance
SN Talamas, KI Mavor, DI Perrett
PloS one 11 (2), e0148284, 2016
Group interaction as the crucible of social identity formation: A glimpse at the foundations of social identities for collective action
EF Thomas, C McGarty, K Mavor
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 19 (2), 137-151, 2016
Interactionism in personality and social psychology: An integrated approach to understanding the mind and behaviour
KJ Reynolds, JC Turner, NR Branscombe, KI Mavor, B Bizumic, E Subašić
European Journal of Personality 24 (5), 458-482, 2010
A bias-corrected exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis of right-wing authoritarianism: Support for a three-factor structure
KI Mavor, WR Louis, CG Sibley
Personality and Individual Differences 48 (1), 28-33, 2010
Beyond prevalence to process: the role of self and identity in medical student well‐being
KI Mavor, KG McNeill, K Anderson, A Kerr, E O'reilly, MJ Platow
Medical education 48 (4), 351-360, 2014
On the role of discipline-related self-concept in deep and surface approaches to learning among university students
MJ Platow, KI Mavor, DM Grace
Instructional Science 41, 271-285, 2013
Religion, prejudice, and authoritarianism: Is RWA a boon or bane to the psychology of religion?
KI Mavor, WR Louis, B Laythe
Journal for the scientific study of religion 50 (1), 22-43, 2011
Right-wing authoritarianism, fundamentalism and prejudice revisited: Removing suppression and statistical artefact
KI Mavor, CJ Macleod, MJ Boal, WR Louis
Personality and Individual Differences 46 (5-6), 592-597, 2009
Discipline social identification, study norms and learning approach in university students
L Smyth, KI Mavor, MJ Platow, DM Grace, KJ Reynolds
Educational Psychology 35 (1), 53-72, 2015
Identity and norms: the role of group membership in medical student wellbeing
KG McNeill, A Kerr, KI Mavor
Perspectives on medical education 3, 101-112, 2014
Looking beyond personal stressors: an examination of how academic stressors contribute to depression in Australian graduate medical students
E O’Reilly, KG McNeill, KI Mavor, K Anderson
Teaching and learning in medicine 26 (1), 56-63, 2014
Self and social identity in educational contexts
KI Mavor, M Platow, B Bizumic
Routledge, 2017
Eyelid-openness and mouth curvature influence perceived intelligence beyond attractiveness.
SN Talamas, KI Mavor, J Axelsson, T Sundelin, DI Perrett
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 145 (5), 603, 2016
Social psychology of Making Poverty History: Motivating anti‐poverty action in Australia
E Thomas, C McGarty, K Mavor
Australian Psychologist 45 (1), 4-15, 2010
Causality in the study of collective action and political behaviour
WR Louis, ST La Macchia, CE Amiot, EF Thomas, LM Blackwood, ...
Causes and consequences: A multidisciplinary exploration, 277-302, 2016
Social categorization
C McGarty
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Psychology, 2018
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Articles 1–20