Nicole Cook
Cited by
Cited by
Housing and Home Unbound: Intersections in economics, environment and politics in Australia
N Cook, A Davison, L Crabtree
Routledge, 2016
Rethinking the risks of home ownership
SJ Smith, BA Searle, N Cook
Journal of Social Policy 38 (1), 83-102, 2009
Debted objects: Homemaking in an era of mortgage-enabled consumption
N Cook, SJ Smith, BA Searle
Housing, Theory and Society 30 (3), 293-311, 2013
From housing wealth to well‐being?
BA Searle, SJ Smith, N Cook
Sociology of health & illness 31 (1), 112-127, 2009
Resident third party objections and appeals against planning applications: implications for higher density and social housing
NT Cook, EJ Taylor, J Hurley, V Colic-Peisker
Mortgage markets and cultures of consumption
N Cook, SJ Smith, BA Searle
Consumption, Markets and Culture 12 (2), 133-154, 2009
At home with strategic planning: reconciling resident attachments to home with policies of residential densification
N Cook, E Taylor, J Hurley
Australian Planner 50 (2), 130-137, 2013
Dynamic innovation strategies and stable networks in the construction industry: Implanting solar energy projects in the Sydney Olympic Village
PH Andersen, N Cook, J Marceau
Journal of Business Research 57 (4), 351-360, 2004
Mapping the building and construction product system in Australia
J Marceau, J Houghton, P Toner, K Manley, E Gerasimou, N Cook
Sydney: Commonwealth Department of Industry, Science and Resources, 1999
Planning the post‐political city: exploring public participation in the contemporary Australian city
C Legacy, N Cook, D Rogers, K Ruming
Geographical Research 56 (2), 176-180, 2018
On the fringe of neoliberalism: residential development in outer suburban Sydney
N Cook, K Ruming
Australian Geographer 39 (2), 211-228, 2008
It's good to talk: performing and recording the telephone interview
N Cook
Area 41 (2), 176-185, 2009
Financing the Low-Carbon City: Can Local Government Leverage Public Finance to Facilitate Equitable Decarbonisation?
P Hadfield, N Cook
Urban Policy and Research 37 (1), 13-29, 2019
Do objections count? Estimating the influence of residents on housing development assessment in Melbourne
E Jean Taylor, N Cook, J Hurley
Urban Policy and Research 34 (3), 269-283, 2016
Banking on housing; spending the home
SJ Smith, BA Searle, NT Cook
The financialisation of housing and the rise of the investor-activist
N Cook, K Ruming
Urban Studies 58 (10), 2023-2039, 2021
Selling solutions: Emerging patterns of product-service linkage in the Australian economy
J Marceau, NT Cook, B Dalton, B Wixted
The politics of housing/home
N Cook, A Davison, L Crabtree
Housing and home unbound, 1-16, 2016
More‐than‐human planning: the agency of buildings and bodies in the post‐political city
N Cook
Geographical Research 56 (4), 368-381, 2018
Food becoming compost: encountering and negotiating disgust in household sustainability
E Ames, N Cook
Australian Geographer 51 (3), 325-339, 2020
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Articles 1–20