Paula Munhoz de Omena
Paula Munhoz de Omena
Postdoctoral Researcher at UVV
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Trait‐mediated effects on flowers: artificial spiders deceive pollinators and decrease plant fitness
T Gonçalves-Souza, PM Omena, JC Souza, GQ Romero
Ecology 89 (9), 2407-2413, 2008
Dominant predators mediate the impact of habitat size on trophic structure in bromeliad invertebrate communities
JS Petermann, VF Farjalla, M Jocque, P Kratina, AAM MacDonald, ...
Ecology 96 (2), 428-439, 2015
Constraints on the functional trait space of aquatic invertebrates in bromeliads
R Céréghino, VD Pillar, DS Srivastava, PM de Omena, AAM MacDonald, ...
Functional Ecology 32 (10), 2435-2447, 2018
Extreme rainfall events alter the trophic structure in bromeliad tanks across the Neotropics
GQ Romero, NAC Marino, AAM MacDonald, R Céréghino, MK Trzcinski, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 3215, 2020
Food web structure shaped by habitat size and climate across a latitudinal gradient
GQ Romero, GCO Piccoli, PM de Omena, T Gonçalves‐Souza
Ecology 97 (10), 2705-2715, 2016
Warming weakens facilitative interactions between decomposers and detritivores, and modifies freshwater ecosystem functioning
TN Bernabé, PM de Omena, VP Santos, VM de Siqueira, VM de Oliveira, ...
Global change biology 24 (7), 3170-3186, 2018
Fine-scale microhabitat selection in a bromeliad-dwelling jumping spider (Salticidae)
PM De Omena, GQ Romero
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 94 (4), 653-662, 2008
Using visual cues of microhabitat traits to find home: the case study of a bromeliad-living jumping spider (Salticidae)
PM De Omena, GQ Romero
Behavioral Ecology 21 (4), 690-695, 2010
Ecological response to altered rainfall differs across the Neotropics
DS Srivastava, R Céréghino, MK Trzcinski, AAM MacDonald, NAC Marino, ...
Ecology 101 (4), e02984, 2020
Species niches, not traits, determine abundance and occupancy patterns: A multi‐site synthesis
NAC Marino, R Cereghino, B Gilbert, JS Petermann, DS Srivastava, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 29 (2), 295-308, 2020
Warming of aquatic ecosystems disrupts aquatic–terrestrial linkages in the tropics
LN Nash, PAP Antiqueira, GQ Romero, PM de Omena, P Kratina
Journal of Animal Ecology 90 (7), 1623-1634, 2021
Does the strength of cross‐ecosystem trophic cascades vary with ecosystem size? A test using a natural microcosm
PM De Omena, DS Srivastava, GQ Romero
Freshwater biology 62 (4), 724-736, 2017
How much leaf area do insects eat? A data set of insect herbivory sampled globally with a standardized protocol
GM Mendes, FAO Silveira, C Oliveira, W Dáttilo, R Guevara, ...
Ecology 102 (4), e03301, 2021
Precipitation and predation risk alter the diversity and behavior of pollinators and reduce plant fitness
PAP Antiqueira, PM de Omena, T Gonçalves-Souza, C Vieira, ...
Oecologia 192 (3), 745-753, 2020
Consumptive effects and mismatch in predator–prey turnover rates cause inversion of biomass pyramids
PM de Omena, DS Srivastava, GQ Romero
Oecologia 190, 159-168, 2019
Bromeliads provide shelter against fire to mutualistic spiders in a fire‐prone landscape
PM De Omena, MF KERSCH‐BECKER, PAP Antiqueira, TN Bernabe, ...
Ecological Entomology 43 (3), 389-393, 2018
Geographical variation in the trait‐based assembly patterns of multitrophic invertebrate communities
DS Srivastava, AAM MacDonald, VD Pillar, P Kratina, VJ Debastiani, ...
Functional Ecology 37 (1), 73-86, 2023
Climate influences the response of community functional traits to local conditions in bromeliad invertebrate communities
LM Guzman, MK Trzcinski, IM Barberis, R Céréghino, DS Srivastava, ...
Ecography 44 (3), 440-452, 2021
Functional redundancy dampens precipitation change impacts on species‐rich invertebrate communities across the Neotropics
R Céréghino, MK Trzcinski, AAM MacDonald, NAC Marino, ...
Functional Ecology 36 (7), 1559-1572, 2022
Effects of predators on bromeliad-aquatic arthropod communities and ecosystem functioning
PM Omena
[sn], 2014
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Articles 1–20