David Konisky
David Konisky
Lynton K. Caldwell Professor, Indiana University
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Cited by
The justice and equity implications of the clean energy transition
S Carley, DM Konisky
Nature Energy 5 (8), 569-577, 2020
Values, conflict, and trust in participatory environmental planning
TC Beierle, DM Konisky
Journal of Policy analysis and Management 19 (4), 587-602, 2000
Regulatory competition and environmental enforcement: Is there a race to the bottom?
DM Konisky
American Journal of Political Science 51 (4), 853-872, 2007
Extreme weather events and climate change concern
DM Konisky, L Hughes, CH Kaylor
Climatic change 134, 533-547, 2016
Public attitudes toward construction of new power plants
S Ansolabehere, DM Konisky
Public Opinion Quarterly 73 (3), 566-577, 2009
What are we gaining from stakeholder involvement? Observations from environmental planning in the Great Lakes
TC Beierle, DM Konisky
Environment and planning C: Government and Policy 19 (4), 515-527, 2001
Environmental Policy Attitudes: Issues, Geographical Scale, and Political Trust*
DM Konisky, J Milyo, LE Richardson
Social Science Quarterly 89 (5), 1066-1085, 2008
Innovations in public participation and environmental decision making: Examples from the Great Lakes region
D M. Konisky, Thomas C. Beierle
Society & Natural Resources 14 (9), 815-826, 2001
Cheap and clean: how Americans think about energy in the age of global warming
S Ansolabehere, DM Konisky
Mit Press, 2016
Adaptation, culture, and the energy transition in American coal country
S Carley, TP Evans, DM Konisky
Energy Research & Social Science 37, 133-139, 2018
The role of religion in environmental attitudes
MB Arbuckle, DM Konisky
Social Science Quarterly 96 (5), 1244-1263, 2015
Sociodemographic disparities in energy insecurity among low-income households before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
T Memmott, S Carley, M Graff, DM Konisky
Nature Energy 6 (2), 186-193, 2021
The introduction of voter registration and its effect on turnout
S Ansolabehere, DM Konisky
Political Analysis 14 (1), 83-100, 2006
Inequities in enforcement? Environmental justice and government performance
DM Konisky
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management: The Journal of the Association …, 2009
A framework for evaluating geographic disparities in energy transition vulnerability
S Carley, TP Evans, M Graff, DM Konisky
Nature Energy 3 (8), 621-627, 2018
Extreme weather exposure and support for climate change adaptation
A Ray, L Hughes, DM Konisky, C Kaylor
Global Environmental Change 46, 104-113, 2017
When governments regulate governments
DM Konisky, MP Teodoro
American Journal of Political Science 60 (3), 559-574, 2016
Measuring state environmental policy
DM Konisky, ND Woods
Review of Policy Research 29 (4), 544-569, 2012
Exporting air pollution? Regulatory enforcement and environmental free riding in the United States
DM Konisky, ND Woods
Political Research Quarterly 63 (4), 771-782, 2010
Energy infrastructure, NIMBYism, and public opinion: a systematic literature review of three decades of empirical survey literature
S Carley, DM Konisky, Z Atiq, N Land
Environmental Research Letters 15 (9), 093007, 2020
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Articles 1–20