Jorge A. Alliende
Jorge A. Alliende
I+D Universidad Nacional General Sarmiento
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Temperature induced syllable breaking unveils nonlinearly interacting timescales in birdsong motor pathway
MA Goldin, LM Alonso, JA Alliende, F Goller, GB Mindlin
PLoS One 8 (6), e67814, 2013
Hormonal acceleration of song development illuminates motor control mechanism in canaries
JA Alliende, JM Méndez, F Goller, GB Mindlin
Developmental neurobiology 70 (14), 943-960, 2010
Low-dimensional dynamical model for the diversity of pressure patterns used in canary song
LM Alonso, JA Alliende, F Goller, GB Mindlin
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 79 (4 …, 2009
Dynamical origin of complex motor patterns
LM Alonso, JA Alliende, GB Mindlin
The European Physical Journal D 60, 361-367, 2010
Seasonal plasticity of song behavior relies on motor and syntactic variability induced by a basal ganglia–forebrain circuit
J Alliende, N Giret, L Pidoux, C Del Negro, A Leblois
Neuroscience 359, 49-68, 2017
A species-specific view of song representation in a sensorimotor nucleus
J Alliende, K Lehongre, C Del Negro
Journal of Physiology-Paris 107 (3), 193-202, 2013
Dynamical systems techniques reveal the sexual dimorphic nature of motor patterns in birdsong
JM Mendez, JA Alliende, A Amador, GB Mindlin
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 74 (4 …, 2006
The dynamical origin of physiological instructions used in birdsong production
EM Arneodo, LM Alonso, JA Alliende, GB Mindlin
Pramana 70, 1077-1085, 2008
The generation of respiratory rhythms in birds
A Granada, M Gabitto, G García, J Alliende, J Méndez, MA Trevisan, ...
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 371 (1), 84-87, 2006
Temperature Induced Syllable Breaking Unveils Nonlinearly Interacting Timescales in
MA Goldin, LM Alonso, JA Alliende, F Goller, GB Mindlin
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