Thanarat H. Chalidabhongse
Thanarat H. Chalidabhongse
Dept. of Computer Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
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Real-time foreground–background segmentation using codebook model
K Kim, TH Chalidabhongse, D Harwood, L Davis
Real-time imaging 11 (3), 172-185, 2005
A statistical approach for real-time robust background subtraction and shadow detection
T Horprasert, D Harwood, LS Davis
Ieee iccv 99 (1999), 1-19, 1999
Background modeling and subtraction by codebook construction
K Kim, TH Chalidabhongse, D Harwood, L Davis
2004 International Conference on Image Processing, 2004. ICIP'04. 5, 3061-3064, 2004
Computing 3-d head orientation from a monocular image sequence
T Horprasert, Y Yacoob, LS Davis
Proceedings of the second international conference on automatic face and …, 1996
A robust background subtraction and shadow detection
T Horprasert, D Harwood, LS Davis
Proc. ACCV 15, 2000
A perturbation method for evaluating background subtraction algorithms
TH Chalidabhongse, K Kim, D Harwood, L Davis
Joint IEEE International Workshop on Visual Surveillance and Performance …, 2003
Real-time 3D motion capture
T Horprasert, I Haritaoglu, C Wren, D Harwood, L Davis, A Pentland
Second workshop on perceptual interfaces 2, 1998
2D/3D vision-based mango's feature extraction and sorting
T Chalidabhongse, P Yimyam, P Sirisomboon
2006 9th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and …, 2006
Multi-perspective analysis of human action
D Larry
In Third Int. Workshop on Cooperative Distributed Vision, 2000, 2000
Physical properties analysis of mango using computer vision
P Yimyam, T Chalidabhongse, P Sirisomboon, S Boonmung
제어로봇시스템학회: 학술대회논문집, 746-750, 2005
An adaptive real-time background subtraction and moving shadows detection
T Thongkamwitoon, S Aramvith, TH Chalidabhongse
2004 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME)(IEEE Cat …, 2004
Virtual metamorphosis
J Ohya, J Kurumisawa, R Nakatsu, K Ebihara, S Iwasawa, D Harwood, ...
IEEE MultiMedia 6 (2), 29-39, 1999
Players tracking and ball detection for an automatic tennis video annotation
K Teachabarikiti, TH Chalidabhongse, A Thammano
2010 11th International Conference on Control Automation Robotics & Vision …, 2010
Improved face and hand tracking for sign language recognition
N Soontranon, S Aramvith, TH Chalidabhongse
International Conference on Information Technology: Coding and Computing …, 2005
Human action recognition using direction histograms of optical flow
K Lertniphonphan, S Aramvith, TH Chalidabhongse
2011 11th International Symposium on Communications & Information …, 2011
Robust outdoor human segmentation based on color-based statistical approach and edge combination
P Siricharoen, S Aramvith, TH Chalidabhongse, S Siddhichai
The 2010 international conference on green circuits and systems, 463-468, 2010
An anthropometric shape model for estimating head orientation,”
T Horprasert, Y Yacoob, L Davis
Proc. Int’l. Workshop Visual Form, 247-256, 1997
Parasitic egg detection and classification in low-cost microscopic images using transfer learning
T Suwannaphong, S Chavana, S Tongsom, D Palasuwan, ...
SN Computer Science 5 (1), 82, 2023
Face and hands localization and tracking for sign language recognition
N Soontranon, S Aramvith, TH Chalidabhongse
IEEE International Symposium on Communications and Information Technology …, 2004
A car plate detector using edge information
P Rattanathammawat, TH Chalidabhongse
2006 International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies …, 2006
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Articles 1–20