Andrey Tkachenko
Cited by
Cited by
‘Sweet deals’: State-owned enterprises, corruption and repeated contracts in public procurement
A Tkachenko, A Yakovlev, A Kuznetsova
Economic Systems 41 (1), 52-67, 2017
Corruption, centralization and competition: evidence from Russian public procurement
P Detkova, E Podkolzina, A Tkachenko
International Journal of Public Administration 41 (5-6), 414-434, 2018
Gender heterogeneity of bureaucrats in attitude to corruption: Evidence from list experiment
P Detkova, A Tkachenko, A Yakovlev
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 189, 217-233, 2021
Multichannel queueing systems with regenerative input flow
LG Afanasyeva, AV Tkachenko
Theory of Probability & Its Applications 58 (2), 174-192, 2014
Autocratic governors in public procurement
A Tkachenko, D Esaulov
European Journal of Political Economy 61, 101825, 2020
Who is inclined to hide the truth: evidence from public procurement
A Yakovlev, A Tkachenko, Y Rodionova
International journal of public administration 43 (13), 1109-1120, 2020
Organizational forms and incentives in public procurement: Natural experiment at a large public sector organization in Russia
A Tkachenko, A Yakovlev, Y Rodionova
International Journal of Public Administration 41 (14), 1157-1168, 2018
Estimation of procurement costs incurred by public customers: a case study of a Russian region
A Yakovlev, O Balaeva, A Tkachenko
Journal of Public Procurement 18 (1), 68-87, 2018
Сравнительный анализ эффективности закупочной деятельности государственных организаций сходной сферы деятельности
АА Яковлев, АВ Ткаченко, ОА Демидова, ОН Балаева
Вопросы государственного и муниципального управления, 5-36, 2013
On the convergence rate for queueing and reliability models described by regenerative processes
LG Afanasyeva, AV Tkachenko
J. Math. Sci 218 (2), 119-36, 2016
Public procurement efficiency as perceived by market participants: The case of Russia
O Balaeva, Y Rodionova, A Yakovlev, A Tkachenko
International Journal of Public Administration 45 (16), 1156-1167, 2022
The impacts of different regulatory regimes on the effectiveness of public procurement
A Yakovlev, A Tkachenko, O Demidova, O Balaeva
International Journal of Public Administration 38 (11), 796-814, 2015
Reasons for contracting predetermined suppliers: Results of an empirical study
AA Yakovlev, AV Tkachenko, YD Rodionova
Voprosy Ekonomiki, 2018
Russian system of public procurement: The law is changing, the issues remain
AA Yakovlev, AV Tkachenko, ON Balaeva, D Rodionova Yu
EKO= ECO 9, 17-38, 2018
Informal practices and efficiency in public procurement
Y Rodionova, J Nemec, A Tkachenko, A Yakovlev
Public Money & Management 44 (3), 225-233, 2024
Многоканальные системы обслуживания с регенерирующим входящим потоком
ЛГ Афанасьева, АВ Ткаченко
Теория вероятностей и ее применения 58 (2), 210-234, 2013
Reputation and trust in the Russian public procurement system
AA Yakovlev, AV Tkachenko, MK Emelianova, ON Balaeva
Journal of Institutional Studies 14 (1), 86-99, 2022
Problems and efficiency of public procurement through the eyes or their participants
AA Yakovlev, ON Balaeva, YD Rodionova, AV Tkachenko
ECO J ournal, J 11 (557), 83-103, 2020
Stability conditions for queueing systems with regenerative flow of interruptions
LG Afanasyeva, AV Tkachenko
Theory of Probability & Its Applications 63 (4), 507-531, 2019
Prichiny zaklyucheniya kontraktov s zaranee opredelennymi postavshchikami: rezultaty empiricheskogo issledovaniya [Reasons for Concluding Contracts with Pre-Defined Suppliers …
AA Yakovlev, AV Tkachenko, D Rodionova Yu
Voprosy ekonomiki, 90-105, 2018
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Articles 1–20