Jake Messersmith
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Cited by
Unlocking the black box: exploring the link between high-performance work systems and performance.
JG Messersmith, PC Patel, DP Lepak, JS Gould-Williams
Journal of applied psychology 96 (6), 1105, 2011
High-performance work systems and job control: Consequences for anxiety, role overload, and turnover intentions
JM Jensen, PC Patel, JG Messersmith
Journal of management 39 (6), 1699-1724, 2013
Walking the tightrope: An assessment of the relationship between high-performance work systems and organizational ambidexterity
PC Patel, JG Messersmith, DP Lepak
Academy of management journal 56 (5), 1420-1442, 2013
High performance work systems in emergent organizations: Implications for firm performance
JG Messersmith, JP Guthrie
Human Resource Management: Published in Cooperation with the School of …, 2010
Entrepreneurial orientation and performance in young firms: The role of human resource management
JG Messersmith, WJ Wales
International small business journal 31 (2), 115-136, 2013
On the shoulders of giants: A meta-review of strategic human resource management
K Jiang, J Messersmith
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 29 (1), 6-33, 2018
Employee performance, well‐being, and differential effects of human resource management subdimensions: Mutual gains or conflicting outcomes?
C Ogbonnaya, J Messersmith
Human Resource Management Journal, 2018
Managing work‐life conflict among information technology workers
J Messersmith
Human Resource Management: Published in Cooperation with the School of …, 2007
Executive turnover: The influence of dispersion and other pay system characteristics.
JG Messersmith, JP Guthrie, YY Ji, JY Lee
Journal of Applied Psychology 96 (3), 457, 2011
Turnover at the top: Executive team departures and firm performance
JG Messersmith, JY Lee, JP Guthrie, YY Ji
Organization Science 25 (3), 776-793, 2014
Psychological capital: A new tool for driver retention
SASKW Luthans, JG Messersmith
Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 44 (8/9), 621-634, 2014
Analyzing ERP implementation at a public university using the innovation strategy model
K Siau, J Messersmith
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction 16 (1), 57-80, 2003
Workers' moral mum effect: On facework and unethical behavior in the workplace
RS Bisel, KM Kelley, NA Ploeger, J Messersmith
Communication Studies 62 (2), 153-170, 2011
Translating corporate social performance into financial performance: exploring the moderating role of high-performance work practices
YK Chang, WY Oh, JG Messersmith
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 24 (19), 3738-3756, 2013
Entrepreneurship everywhere: Across campus, across communities, and across borders
JS Hornsby, J Messersmith, M Rutherford, S Simmons
Journal of Small Business Management 56 (1), 4-10, 2018
Bang for the buck: Understanding employee benefit allocations and new venture survival
JG Messersmith, PC Patel, C Crawford
International Small Business Journal 36 (1), 104-125, 2018
Pulling in different directions? Exploring the relationship between vertical pay dispersion and high‐performance work systems
JG Messersmith, KY Kim, PC Patel
Human Resource Management 57 (1), 127-143, 2018
Are they worth it? Warmth and competence perceptions influence the investment of slack resources in and the efficacy of HPWS
KY Kim, JG Messersmith, DG Allen
Personnel Psychology 74 (3), 611-640, 2021
Advancing human resource management scholarship through multilevel modeling
J Shen, JG Messersmith, K Jiang
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 29 (2), 227-238, 2018
Enabling technologies for e-commerce and ERP integration.
K Siau, J Messersmith
Quarterly Journal of Electronic Commerce 3 (1), 2002
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Articles 1–20