Mitsuhiko Ota
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Does Textual Enhancement Promote Noticing? A Think–Aloud Protocol Analysis
R Jourdenais, M Ota, S Stauffer, B Boyson, C Doughty
Attention and awareness in foreign language learning, 183-216, 1995
Quantifying sources of variability in infancy research using the infant-directed-speech preference
ManyBabies Consortium
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 3 (1), 24-52, 2020
Segmentals and global foreign accent: The Japanese flap in EFL
TJ Riney, M Takada, M Ota
Tesol Quarterly 34 (4), 711-737, 2000
Lexical effects on speech perception in individuals with “autistic” traits
ME Stewart, M Ota
Cognition 109 (1), 157-162, 2008
The KEY to the ROCK: Near-homophony in nonnative visual word recognition
M Ota, RJ Hartsuiker, SL Haywood
Cognition 111 (2), 263-269, 2009
Lexical stratification and ranking invariance in constraint-based grammars
H Fukazawa, M Kitahara, M Ota
Proceedings of the Chicago Linguistic Society 34 (2), 47-62, 1998
The development of prosodic structure in early words
M Ota
John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2003
Emotional recognition in autism spectrum conditions from voices and faces
ME Stewart, C McAdam, M Ota, S Peppé, J Cleland
Autism 17 (1), 6-14, 2013
The learnability of the stratified phonological lexicon
M Ota
Journal of Japanese Linguistics 20 (1), 19-40, 2004
Phonological theory and the acquisition of prosodic structure: Evidence from child Japanese
M Ota
Georgetown University, 1999
Input frequency and lexical variability in phonological development: a survival analysis of word-initial cluster production
M Ota, SJ Green
Journal of Child Language 40, 539-566, 2013
Is a FAN always FUN? Phonological and orthographic effects in bilingual visual word recognition
M Ota, RJ Hartsuiker, SL Haywood
Language and speech 53 (3), 383-403, 2010
Why Choo‐Choo Is Better Than Train: The Role of Register‐Specific Words in Early Vocabulary Growth
M Ota, N Davies‐Jenkins, B Skarabela
Cognitive Science 42 (6), 1974-1999, 2018
Input frequency and word truncation in child Japanese: Structural and lexical effects
M Ota
Language and Speech 49 (2), 261-294, 2006
The development of lexical pitch accent systems: An autosegmental analysis
M Ota
Canadian Journal of Linguistics/Revue canadienne de linguistique 48 (3-4 …, 2003
Phonological theory and the development of prosodic structure: Evidence from child Japanese
M Ota
Annual Review of Language Acquisition 1 (1), 65-118, 2001
Revisiting the phonological deficit in dyslexia: Are implicit nonorthographic representations impaired?
C Dickie, M Ota, A Clark
Applied Psycholinguistics 34 (4), 649-672, 2013
Reduplicated words are easier to learn
M Ota, B Skarabela
Language Learning and Development 12 (4), 380-397, 2016
Japanese speech acquisition
M Ota, I Ueda
The international guide to speech acquisition, 457-471, 2007
‘Clap your hands’ or ‘take your hands’? One-year-olds distinguish between frequent and infrequent multiword phrases
B Skarabela, M Ota, R O'Connor, I Arnon
Cognition 211, 104612, 2021
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Articles 1–20