Pulp and paper fiction: On the discursive legitimation of global industrial restructuring E Vaara, J Tienari, J Laurila Organization studies 27 (6), 789-813, 2006 | 833 | 2006 |
Language and the circuits of power in a merging multinational corporation E Vaara, J Tienari, R Piekkari, R Säntti Journal of management studies 42 (3), 595-623, 2005 | 638 | 2005 |
On the narrative construction of multinational corporations: An antenarrative analysis of legitimation and resistance in a cross-border merger E Vaara, J Tienari Organization science 22 (2), 370-390, 2011 | 500 | 2011 |
Ethos at stake: Performance management and academic work in universities KM Kallio, TJ Kallio, J Tienari, T Hyvönen Human relations 69 (3), 685-709, 2016 | 397 | 2016 |
Integration or disintegration? Human resource implications of a common corporate language decision in a cross-border merger R Piekkari, E Vaara, J Tienari, R Säntti The International Journal of Human Resource Management 16 (3), 330-344, 2005 | 341 | 2005 |
Justification, legitimization and naturalization of mergers and acquisitions: A critical discourse analysis of media texts E Vaara, J Tienari Organization 9 (2), 275-304, 2002 | 321 | 2002 |
Hidden contexts and invisible power relations: A Foucauldian reading of diversity research P Ahonen, J Tienari, S Meriläinen, A Pullen Human relations 67 (3), 263-286, 2014 | 317 | 2014 |
Management consultant talk: A cross-cultural comparison of normalizing discourse and resistance S Meriläinen, J Tienari, R Thomas, A Davies Organization 11 (4), 539-564, 2004 | 308 | 2004 |
The international match: Metaphors as vehicles of social identity-building in cross-border mergers E Vaara, J Tienari, R Säntti Human Relations 56 (4), 419-451, 2003 | 264 | 2003 |
Becoming “world‐class”? Reputation‐building in a university merger HM Aula, J Tienari Critical perspectives on international business 7 (1), 7-29, 2011 | 243 | 2011 |
Hegemonic academic practices: Experiences of publishing from the periphery S Meriläinen, J Tienari, R Thomas, A Davies Organization 15 (4), 584-597, 2008 | 214 | 2008 |
Balancing acts: Managing employees and reputation in social media J Rokka, K Karlsson, J Tienari Journal of Marketing Management 30 (7-8), 802-827, 2014 | 211 | 2014 |
Time’s up! Feminist theory and activism meets organization studies E Bell, S Meriläinen, S Taylor, J Tienari Human relations 72 (1), 4-22, 2019 | 197 | 2019 |
Johtaminen ja organisointi globaalissa taloudessa J Tienari, S Meriläinen WSOY, 2009 | 184 | 2009 |
Academic writing as love CM Kiriakos, J Tienari Management Learning 49 (3), 263-277, 2018 | 183 | 2018 |
Headhunters and the ‘ideal’executive body S Meriläinen, J Tienari, A Valtonen Organization 22 (1), 3-22, 2015 | 183 | 2015 |
Organizational reforms,ideal workers' and gender orders: a cross-societal comparison J Tienari, S Quack, H Theobald Organization studies 23 (2), 249-279, 2002 | 181 | 2002 |
How issues become (re) constructed in the media: Discursive practices in the AstraZeneca merger B Hellgren, J Löwstedt, L Puttonen, J Tienari, E Vaara, A Werr British Journal of Management 13 (2), 123-140, 2002 | 171 | 2002 |
Z ja epäjohtaminen J Tienari, R Piekkari Lakimiesliiton Kustannus, 2011 | 159 | 2011 |
Gender and national identity constructions in the cross‐border merger context J Tienari, AM Søderberg, C Holgersson, E Vaara Gender, Work & Organization 12 (3), 217-241, 2005 | 151 | 2005 |