James M. Sherlock
James M. Sherlock
PhD Candidate, School of Psychology
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The quantitative genetics of disgust sensitivity.
JM Sherlock, BP Zietsch, JM Tybur, P Jern
Emotion 16 (1), 43, 2016
Beneath the beard: do facial morphometrics influence the strength of judgments of men's beardedness?
BJW Dixson, AJ Lee, JM Sherlock, SN Talamas
Evolution and Human Behavior 38 (2), 164-174, 2017
Variation in women’s preferences regarding male facial masculinity is better explained by genetic differences than by previously identified context-dependent effects
BP Zietsch, AJ Lee, JM Sherlock, P Jern
Psychological Science 26 (9), 1440-1448, 2015
Facial masculinity and beardedness determine men’s explicit, but not their implicit, responses to male dominance
JM Sherlock, B Tegg, D Sulikowski, BJW Dixson
Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology 3, 14-29, 2017
Mating strategies and the masculinity paradox: How relationship context, relationship status, and sociosexuality shape women’s preferences for facial masculinity and beardedness
RE Stower, AJ Lee, TL McIntosh, MJ Sidari, JM Sherlock, BJW Dixson
Archives of Sexual Behavior 49, 809-820, 2020
Contest competition and men's facial hair: beards may not provide advantages in combat
BJW Dixson, JM Sherlock, WK Cornwell, MM Kasumovic
Evolution and Human Behavior 39 (2), 147-153, 2018
Microbes and masculinity: Does exposure to pathogenic cues alter women’s preferences for male facial masculinity and beardedness?
TL McIntosh, AJ Lee, MJ Sidari, RE Stower, JM Sherlock, BJW Dixson
PloS one 12 (6), e0178206, 2017
Sex differences in misperceptions of sexual interest can be explained by sociosexual orientation and men projecting their own interest onto women
AJ Lee, MJ Sidari, SC Murphy, JM Sherlock, BP Zietsch
Psychological science 31 (2), 184-192, 2020
Longitudinal relationships between parents’ and children’s behavior need not implicate the influence of parental behavior and may reflect genetics: Comment on Waldinger and …
JM Sherlock, BP Zietsch
Psychological Science 29 (1), 154-157, 2018
Preferences for sexually dimorphic body characteristics revealed in a large sample of speed daters
MJ Sidari, AJ Lee, SC Murphy, JM Sherlock, BJW Dixson, BP Zietsch
Social Psychological and Personality Science 12 (2), 225-236, 2021
Testing the mate-choice hypothesis of the female orgasm: disentangling traits and behaviours
JM Sherlock, MJ Sidari, EA Harris, FK Barlow, BP Zietsch
Socioaffective Neuroscience & Psychology 6 (1), 31562, 2016
For the good of evolutionary psychology, let's reunite proximate and ultimate explanations
BP Zietsch, MJ Sidari, SC Murphy, JM Sherlock, AJ Lee
Evolution and Human Behavior 42 (1), 76-78, 2021
Variation in women’s facial masculinity preference is better explained by genetic differences than by previously identified context-dependent effects
BP Zietsch, AJ Lee, JM Sherlock, P Jern
Psychological Science 26 (9), 1440-1448, 2015
Is prejudice heritable? Evidence from twin studies.
FK Barlow, JM Sherlock, BP Zietsch
Cambridge University Press, 2017
The role of genes and environment in degree of partner self-similarity
JM Sherlock, KJH Verweij, SC Murphy, AC Heath, NG Martin, BP Zietsch
Behavior genetics 47, 25-35, 2017
The link between deprivation and its behavioural constellation is confounded by genetic factors
JM Sherlock, BP Zietsch
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40, 2017
Recessive Genes
JM Sherlock, B Zietsch
Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, 6491-6493, 2021
Testing Evolutionary Hypotheses Regarding Individual Differences in Human Mating Strategies
J Sherlock
Male Qualities and Likelihood of Orgasm
JM Sherlock, MJ Sidari
The Quantitative Genetics of Disgust Sensitivity (vol 16, pg 43, 2016)
JM Sherlock, BP Zietsch, JM Tybur, P Jern
EMOTION 16 (1), 51-51, 2016
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Articles 1–20