Ramon Espinasa
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Cited by
Black Gold and Fool's Gold: Speculation in the Oil Futures Market [with Comment]
JE Parsons, R Espinasa
Economia 10 (2), 81-116, 2010
How does Prospera work?: Best practices in the implementation of conditional cash transfer programs in Latin America and the Caribbean
LGD Lárraga
Inter-American Development Bank, 2016
Lights on?: energy needs in Latin America and the Caribbean to 2040
L Balza, R Espinasa, T Serebrisky
Inter-American Development Bank, 2016
El auge y el colapso de PDVSA a los treinta años de la nacionalización
R Espinasa
Revista Venezolana de Economía y Ciencias Sociales 12 (1), 147-182, 2006
Forecast study of the supply curve of solar and wind technologies in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Mexico
V Garcia-Heller, R Espinasa, S Paredes
Renewable Energy 93, 168-179, 2016
Las Contradicciones de PDVSA: más petróleo a Estados Unidos y menos a América Latina
R Espinasa
Nueva Sociedad 204, 50-70, 2006
The other side of the boom: Energy prices and subsidies in Latin America and the Caribbean during the super-cycle
E Marchán, R Espinasa, A Yépez-García
Inter-American Development Bank, 2017
El marco fiscal petrolero venezolano: evolución y propuestas
R Espinasa
Revista del Banco Central de Venezuela, 293-342, 1999
A micro-based model for world oil market
R Espinasa, E Ter Horst, SG Reyes, O Manzano, G Molina, R Rigobon
Energy Economics 66, 431-449, 2017
Necesidades de Energía para América Latina y el Caribe al 2040
L Balza, R Espinasa, T Serebrisky
BID Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, 2016
Multilayer network analysis of oil linkages
R Casarin, M Iacopini, G Molina, E Ter Horst, R Espinasa, C Sucre, ...
The Econometrics Journal 23 (2), 269-296, 2020
Dossier energético: Bolivia
R Espinasa, M Gutiérrez, C Sucre, F Anaya
Inter-American Development Bank, 2017
Transparent Governance in an Age of Abundance: Experiences from the Extractive Industries in Latin America and the Caribbean
JC Vieyra, M Masson, M Walter, JC Quiroz, M Ross, HA Lowe, ...
Inter-American Development Bank, 2014
Política petrolera y desarrollo económico
R Espinasa
Manuscript, PDVSA, 1997
Venezuelan oil policy in the long run
R Espinasa, B Mommer
International issues in energy policy, development, and economics, 103-124, 2019
Gobiernos que sirven: Innovaciones que están mejorando la entrega de servicios a los ciudadanos
P Farias, S Goldsmith, M Flumian, G Mendoza, J Wiseman, M Porrúa, ...
Nueva York: Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, 2016
Oil sector performance and institutions: the case of Latin America
L Balza, R Espinasa
Inter-American Development Bank, 2015
La ley y los hidrocarburos: comparación de marcos legales de América Latina y el Caribe
R Espinasa, R Medina, G Tarre
Inter-American Development Bank, 2016
Energy Dossier: Trinidad and Tobago
R Espinasa, M Humpert
Retrieved March 29, 2021, 2016
Marco institucional de los sectores electricidad y telecomunicaciones en América Latina
R Espinasa
Research Department, Inter-American Development Bank, 2001
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Articles 1–20