Lena Stephanie Felix
Cited by
Cited by
Digital health eco-systems: An epochal review of practice-oriented research
L Stephanie, RS Sharma
International Journal of Information Management 53, 102032, 2020
Health on a cloud: modeling digital flows in an e-health ecosystem
FL Stephanie, RS Sharma
Journal of Advances in Management Sciences & Information Systems, 2016
The digitisation of Bollywood: Adapting to disruptive innovation
L Stephanie, RS Sharma, N Ramasubbu
Media Asia 39 (1), 3-16, 2012
Singapore's NEHR: Challenges on the path to connected health
L Stephanie
2017 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering …, 2017
Capturing Value in Digital Health Eco-Systems: Validating Strategies for Stakeholders
FL Stephanie, RS Sharma
CRC Press, 2021
The pervasiveness of Mobile Data Services: Do usage and attitudinal divides exist in Asia and North America?
L Stephanie, M Tan, M Morales-Arroyo, RS Sharma
International Journal of Electronic Business 9 (1-2), 63-105, 2011
The Worldwide Mobile Data Services Study (WMDSS): 2008 Singapore Survey and Results
R Sharma, LS Felix
Available at SSRN 1329873, 2008
Modelling Digital and value flows in E-health: A game-theoretic analysis
L Stephanie, R Sharma
Modeling digital flows in the e-health ecosystem: Strategic implications for players
L Stephanie, RS Sharma
Proceedings of the Pacific Telecommunications Council Conference on …, 2010
Modelling digital and value flows in e-health
FL Stephanie
Nanyang Technological University, 2017
Modelling and Analysis of E-Health Ecosystems: A Case Study of the United States
L Stephanie
Capturing Value in Digital Health Eco-Systems
FL Stephanie, RS Sharma
Impact of IDM on Healthcare
L Stephanie, T Srinivasan, AD Lawale
Understanding the Interactive Digital Media Marketplace: Frameworks …, 2012
The articles in this issue of Media Asia are balance of different media–radio, television, film and the press. Dr Saumya Pant, from the Mudra Institute of Communication …
L Stephanie, RS Sharma, N Ramasubbu, A Rahman, H Rahman
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Articles 1–14