Russell Coff
Russell Coff
Wisconsin School of Business; University of Wisconsin-Madison
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Human assets and management dilemmas: Coping with hazards on the road to resource-based theory
RW Coff
Academy of management review 22 (2), 374-402, 1997
When competitive advantage doesn't lead to performance: The resource-based view and stakeholder bargaining power
RW Coff
Organization Science 10 (2), 119-133, 1999
Rethinking sustained competitive advantage from human capital
BA Campbell, R Coff, D Kryscynski
Academy of Management Review 37 (3), 376-395, 2012
Dynamic capabilities, social capital, and rent appropriation: Ties that split pies
M Blyler, RW Coff
Strategic Management Journal 24 (7), 677-686, 2003
Drilling for micro-foundations of human capital–based competitive advantages
R Coff, D Kryscynski
Journal of Management 37 (5), 1429-1443, 2011
Human capital, shared expertise, and the likelihood of impasse in corporate acquisitions
RW Coff
Journal of Management 28 (1), 107-128, 2002
How buyers cope with uncertainty when acquiring firms in knowledge-intensive industries: Caveat emptor
RW Coff
Organization Science, 144-161, 1999
Strategic human capital: Crossing the great divide
PM Wright, R Coff, TP Moliterno
Journal of management 40 (2), 353-370, 2014
Both market and hierarchy: An incentive-system theory of hybrid governance forms
R Makadok, R Coff
The Academy of Management Review 34 (2), 297-319, 2009
Managerial foresight and attempted rent appropriation: Insider trading on knowledge of imminent breakthroughs
G Ahuja, RW Coff, PM Lee
Strategic Management Journal 26 (9), 791-808, 2005
The coevolution of rent appropriation and capability development
RW Coff
Strategic Management Journal 31 (7), 711-733, 2010
Toward a theory of perceived firm-specific human capital
R Coff, J Raffiee
Academy of management perspectives 29 (3), 326-341, 2015
Bidding wars over R&D-intensive firms: Knowledge, opportunism, and the market for corporate control
R Coff
Academy of Management Journal 46 (1), 74-85, 2003
The knowledge-leveraging paradox: How to achieve scale without making knowledge imitable
RW Coff, DC Coff, R Eastvold
The Academy of Management Review ARCHIVE 31 (2), 452-465, 2006
DIALOGUE: The Theory of Value and the Value of Theory: Breaking New Ground versus Reinventing the Wheel
R Makadok, R Coff
Academy of Management Review 27 (1), 10-16, 2002
Charting a path between firm‐specific incentives and human capital‐based competitive advantage
D Kryscynski, R Coff, B Campbell
Strategic management journal 42 (2), 386-412, 2021
Micro-foundations of firm-specific human capital: When do employees perceive their skills to be firm-specific?
J Raffiee, R Coff
Academy of Management Journal 59 (3), 766-790, 2016
The emergent knowledge‐based theory of competitive advantage: an evolutionary approach to integrating economics and management
RW Coff
Managerial and decision economics 24 (4), 245-251, 2003
In the mood for entrepreneurial creativity? How optimal group affect differs for generating and selecting ideas for new ventures
JE Perry‐Smith, RW Coff
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 5 (3), 247-268, 2011
Insider trading as a vehicle to appropriate rent from R&D
RW Coff, PM Lee
Strategic Management Journal 24 (2), 183-190, 2003
The system can't perform the operation now. Try again later.
Articles 1–20