Sumit Rakesh
Cited by
Cited by
Static Palm Sign Gesture Recognition with Leap Motion and Genetic Algorithm
S Rakesh, G Kovács, H Mokayed, RK Saini, U Pal
2021 Swedish Artificial Intelligence Society Workshop (SAIS), 1-5, 2021
Pedagogical Principles in the Online Teaching of Text Mining: A Retrospection
R Saini, G Kovács, M Faridghasemnia, H Mokayed, O Adewumi, P Alonso, ...
Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Teaching NLP, 1-12, 2021
Exploiting Leap Motion and Microsoft Kinect Sensors for Static and Dynamic Sign Gesture Recognition
S Rakesh
Luleĺ tekniska universitet, 2021
Sign Gesture Recognition from Raw Skeleton Information in 3D Using Deep Learning.
S Rakesh, S Javed, R Saini, M Liwicki
CVIP (2), 184-195, 2020
Implications of EEG-based Developments in Artificial Intelligence
S Rakesh, R Saini
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Articles 1–5