Ramathibodi Medical Journal
Ramathibodi Medical Journal
Other namesRama Med J
Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand
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Thai version of the medical outcome study 36 items short form health survey: an instrument for measuring clinical results in mental disorder patients
R Kongsakon, C Silpakit
Ramathibodi Medical Journal 23 (1), 8-19, 2000
Factors related to treatment compliance among patients with heart failure
HTN Sen, TTT Linh, DTK Trang
Ramathibodi Medical Journal 43 (2), 30-40, 2020
Knowledge, self-efficacy, self-management behavior of the patients with predialysis chronic kidney disease
S Moktan, S Leelacharas, W Prapaipanich
Ramathibodi Medical Journal 42 (2), 38-48, 2019
Polypharmacy in the elderly
S Ruangritchankul
Ramathibodi Medical Journal 41 (1), 95-104, 2018
Streptococcus suis meningitis at Ramathibodi hospital
P Pootong, P Boongrid, P Phuapradit
Ramathibodi Medical Journal 16 (4), 203-207, 1993
Factors related to foot care behaviors among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Da Nang, Vietnam
HTN Sen, PJ Visudtibhan, A Siripitayakunkit
Ramathibodi Medical Journal 42 (3), 57-68, 2019
Nodulenet: a lung nodule classification using deep learning
G Shah, R Thammasudjarit, A Thakkinstian, T Suwatanapongched
Ramathibodi Medical Journal 43 (4), 11-19, 2020
Rama Co-RADS: categorical assessment scheme of chest radiographic findings for diagnosing pneumonia in patients with confirmed COVID-19
T Suwatanapongched, C Nitiwarangkul, W Sukkasem, S Phongkitkarun
Ramathibodi Medical Journal 44 (2), 50-62, 2021
Dysfunctional team-based learning
P Dharmasaroja
Ramat Med J 43, 54-61, 2020
Validation of the Thai version of ICIQ-VS (international consultation on incontinence questionnaire-vaginal symptoms) in Thai women
W Sriwat, J Manonai, C Sillaphakit, S Sarit-apirak, A Chittacharoen
Ramathibodi Medical Journal 39 (1), 1-13, 2016
A Validity Study of the Mini-Cog Test in Thai Dementia Patients
P Kusalaruk, D Nakawiro
Ramathibodi Medical Journal 35 (4), 264-271, 2012
Stability of fibrin glues in body fluids
A Chuansumrit, U Martinowitz, S Wangruangsathit, C Kositchaiwat, ...
Rama Med J 23, 1-7, 2000
Integration of the WFME standards and AUN-QA criteria for student assessment in undergraduate medical education
P Dharmasaroja
Ramathibodi Medical Journal 43 (4), 52-59, 2020
Illness perception, personal characteristics, social support, and lifestyle behavior in patients with hypertension, attending a cardiac out-patient department, Nepal
R Maharjan, S Leelacharas, W Prapaipanich
Ramathibodi Medical Journal 41 (4), 37-47, 2018
Videolaryngoscope versus Macintosh Laryngoscope in Stimulated Patients With Limitation of Neck Movements
C Yuksen, T Prachanukool, W Chinsupaluk, T Trainarongsakul
Ramathibodi Medical Journal 37 (2), 71-80, 2014
Outcome of early hip fracture surgery in elderly patients in Ramathibodi Hospital: A prospective cohort study
P Sa-Ngasoongsong, N Kulachote, N Sirisreetreerux, P Chanplakorn, ...
Ramathibodi Medical Journal 36 (1), 3-12, 2013
Maternal and child health care movement and the child mortality, morbidity
P Khanjanasthiti
Ramathibodi Medical Journal 9, 124-130, 1986
Prevalence, types, and factors of hpv infection among women with abnormal cervical cytology screening at ramathibodi hospital
N Boonthum, S Suthutvoravut
Ramathibodi Medical Journal 44 (3), 12-19, 2021
Histology study in undergraduate medical education
P Thintharua, P Dharmasaroja
Ramathibodi Medical Journal 43 (3), 34-40, 2020
Chronic pain assessment in the elderly
S Ruangritchankul, O Krairit
Ramathibodi Medical Journal 41 (3), 92-99, 2018
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Articles 1–20