James Alan Brickley
James Alan Brickley
Gleason Professor, Simon School, University of Rochester
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Ownership structure and voting on antitakeover amendments
JA Brickley, RC Lease, CW Smith Jr
Journal of financial economics 20, 267-291, 1988
Leadership structure: Separating the CEO and chairman of the board
JA Brickley, JL Coles, G Jarrell
Journal of corporate Finance 3 (3), 189-220, 1997
The market for corporate control: The empirical evidence since 1980
GA Jarrell, JA Brickley, JM Netter
Journal of Economic perspectives 2 (1), 49-68, 1988
Outside directors and the adoption of poison pills
JA Brickley, JL Coles, RL Terry
Journal of financial Economics 35 (3), 371-390, 1994
The choice of organizational form the case of franchising
JA Brickley, FH Dark
Journal of financial economics 18 (2), 401-420, 1987
Managerial economics and organizational architecture
JA Brickley, CW Smith, JL Zimmerman, Z Zhang, C Wang
Irwin, 1997
The takeover market, corporate board composition, and ownership structure: The case of banking
JA Brickley, CM James
The Journal of law and economics 30 (1), 161-180, 1987
What happens to CEOs after they retire? New evidence on career concerns, horizon problems, and CEO incentives
JA Brickley, JS Linck, JL Coles
Journal of Financial Economics 52 (3), 341-377, 1999
Stock-based incentive compensation and investment behavior
JM Bizjak, JA Brickley, JL Coles
Journal of Accounting and Economics 16 (1-3), 349-372, 1993
Shareholder wealth, information signaling and the specially designated dividend: An empirical study
JA Brickley
Journal of Financial Economics 12 (2), 187-209, 1983
The impact of long-range managerial compensation plans on shareholder wealth
JA Brickley, S Bhagat, RC Lease
Journal of accounting and economics 7 (1-3), 115-129, 1985
An agency perspective on franchising
JA Brickley, FH Dark, MS Weisbach
Financial Management, 27-35, 1991
Corporate governance myths: comments on Armstrong, Guay, and Weber
JA Brickley, JL Zimmerman
Journal of Accounting and Economics 50 (2-3), 235-245, 2010
Empirical research on CEO turnover and firm-performance: A discussion
JA Brickley
Journal of Accounting and Economics 36 (1-3), 227-233, 2003
Managerial incentives in nonprofit organizations: Evidence from hospitals
JA Brickley, RL Van Horn
The Journal of Law and Economics 45 (1), 227-249, 2002
Incentive conflicts and contractual restraints: Evidence from franchising
JA Brickley
The Journal of Law and Economics 42 (2), 745-774, 1999
The costs of inefficient bargaining and financial distress: Evidence from corporate lawsuits
S Bhagat, JA Brickley, JL Coles
Journal of Financial Economics 35 (2), 221-247, 1994
Business ethics and organizational architecture
JA Brickley, CW Smith Jr, JL Zimmerman
Journal of Banking & Finance 26 (9), 1821-1835, 2002
Cumulative voting: The value of minority shareholder voting rights
S Bhagat, JA Brickley
The Journal of Law and Economics 27 (2), 339-365, 1984
Boundaries of the firm: evidence from the banking industry
JA Brickley, JS Linck, CW Smith Jr
Journal of Financial Economics 70 (3), 351-383, 2003
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