Jesse M. Pines
Jesse M. Pines
US Acute Care Solutions
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The effect of emergency department crowding on clinically oriented outcomes
SL Bernstein, D Aronsky, R Duseja, S Epstein, D Handel, U Hwang, ...
Academic Emergency Medicine 16 (1), 1-10, 2009
Impact of time to antibiotics on survival in patients with severe sepsis or septic shock in whom early goal-directed therapy was initiated in the emergency department
DF Gaieski, ME Mikkelsen, RA Band, JM Pines, R Massone, FF Furia, ...
Critical care medicine 38 (4), 1045-1053, 2010
The association between length of emergency department boarding and mortality
AJ Singer, HC Thode Jr, P Viccellio, JM Pines
Academic Emergency Medicine 18 (12), 1324-1329, 2011
Emergency department crowding is associated with poor care for patients with severe pain
JM Pines, JE Hollander
Annals of emergency medicine 51 (1), 1-5, 2008
International perspectives on emergency department crowding
JM Pines, JA Hilton, EJ Weber, AJ Alkemade, H Al Shabanah, ...
Academic Emergency Medicine 18 (12), 1358-1370, 2011
Emergency department visits for nonurgent conditions: systematic literature review.
L Uscher-Pines, J Pines, A Kellermann, E Gillen, A Mehrotra
The American journal of managed care 19 (1), 47-59, 2013
The effect of emergency department crowding on patient satisfaction for admitted patients
JM Pines, S Iyer, M Disbot, JE Hollander, FS Shofer, EM Datner
Academic Emergency Medicine 15 (9), 825-831, 2008
National trends in emergency department use, care patterns, and quality of care of older adults in the United States
JM Pines, PM Mullins, JK Cooper, LB Feng, KE Roth
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 61 (1), 12-17, 2013
The association between emergency department crowding and adverse cardiovascular outcomes in patients with chest pain
JM Pines, CV Pollack Jr, DB Diercks, AM Chang, FS Shofer, JE Hollander
Academic Emergency Medicine 16 (7), 617-625, 2009
The impact of emergency department crowding measures on time to antibiotics for patients with community-acquired pneumonia
JM Pines, AR Localio, JE Hollander, WG Baxt, H Lee, C Phillips, ...
Annals of emergency medicine 50 (5), 510-516, 2007
Evidence‐based diagnostics: adult septic arthritis
CR Carpenter, JD Schuur, WW Everett, JM Pines
Academic Emergency Medicine 18 (8), 781-796, 2011
Improving service quality by understanding emergency department flow: a White Paper and position statement prepared for the American Academy of Emergency Medicine
DR Eitel, SE Rudkin, MA Malvehy, JP Killeen, JM Pines
The Journal of emergency medicine 38 (1), 70-79, 2010
Improving handoffs in the emergency department
DS Cheung, JJ Kelly, C Beach, RP Berkeley, RA Bitterman, RI Broida, ...
Annals of emergency medicine 55 (2), 171-180, 2010
Measures of crowding in the emergency department: a systematic review
U Hwang, ML McCarthy, D Aronsky, B Asplin, PW Crane, CK Craven, ...
Academic Emergency Medicine 18 (5), 527-538, 2011
Frequent users of emergency department services: gaps in knowledge and a proposed research agenda
JM Pines, BR Asplin, AH Kaji, RA Lowe, DJ Magid, M Raven, EJ Weber, ...
Academic Emergency Medicine 18 (6), e64-e69, 2011
Deciding to visit the emergency department for non-urgent conditions: a systematic review of the literature
L Uscher-Pines, J Pines, A Kellermann, E Gillen, A Mehrotra
The American journal of managed care 19 (1), 47, 2013
Google Flu Trends: correlation with emergency department influenza rates and crowding metrics
AF Dugas, YH Hsieh, SR Levin, JM Pines, DP Mareiniss, A Mohareb, ...
Clinical infectious diseases 54 (4), 463-469, 2012
National trends in emergency department occupancy, 2001 to 2008: effect of inpatient admissions versus emergency department practice intensity
SR Pitts, JM Pines, MT Handrigan, AL Kellermann
Annals of emergency medicine 60 (6), 679-686. e3, 2012
The association between emergency department crowding and hospital performance on antibiotic timing for pneumonia and percutaneous intervention for myocardial infarction
JM Pines, JE Hollander, AR Localio, JP Metlay
Academic Emergency Medicine 13 (8), 873-878, 2006
Use of hospital-based acute care among patients recently discharged from the hospital
AA Vashi, JP Fox, BG Carr, G D’Onofrio, JM Pines, JS Ross, CP Gross
Jama 309 (4), 364-371, 2013
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Articles 1–20