Bibek Kabi
Bibek Kabi
Principal Tech. Professional at Halliburton, Ex-Research Engineer at Techviz, PhD from Ecole
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Cited by
A novel approach of speech emotion recognition with prosody, quality and derived features using SVM classifier for a class of North-Eastern Languages
AK Samantaray, K Mahapatra, B Kabi, A Routray
2015 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Recent Trends in Information …, 2015
Chemometric studies on mineral distribution and microstructure analysis of freeze-dried Aloe vera L. gel at different harvesting regimens
A Ray, SD Gupta, S Ghosh, SM Aswatha, B Kabi
Industrial crops and products 51, 194-201, 2013
Design and Performance Analysis of Fixed-point Jacobi SVD Algorithm on Reconfigurable System.
R Mohanty, G Anirudh, T Pradhan, B Kabi, A Routray
IERI Procedia 7, 21-27, 2014
Implementing a line tracing robot as an effective sensor and closed loop system
S Akash, B Kabi, S Karthick
International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering 2 (7), 104, 2009
Comparative evaluation of symmetric svd algorithms for real-time face and eye tracking
T Pradhan, A Routray, B Kabi
Matrix information geometry, 323-340, 2013
Voice Cues, Keyboard Entry and Mouse Click for Detection of Affective and Cognitive States: A Case for Use in Technology-Based Pedagogy
B Kabi, A Samantaray, P Patnaik, A Routray
2013 IEEE Fifth International Conference on Technology for Education (t4e …, 2013
Fixed-point Hestenes algorithm for singular value decomposition of symmetric matrices
T Pradhan, B Kabi, A Routray
Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Electronics, Signal …, 2013
An overflow free fixed-point eigenvalue decomposition algorithm: case study of dimensionality reduction in hyperspectral images
B Kabi, AS Sahadevan, T Pradhan
2017 Conference on design and architectures for signal and image processing …, 2017
A drowsiness detection scheme based on fusion of voice and vision cues
A Dasgupta, B Kabi, A George, S Happy, A Routray
arXiv preprint arXiv:1509.04887, 2015
Fixed-Point Hestenes SVD Algorithm for Computing Eigen Faces (
T Pradhan, B Kabi, A Routray, G Anirudh
International Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing 7 (6), 312-321, 2013
Development of numerical linear algebra algorithms in dynamic fixed‐point format: a case study of Lanczos tridiagonalization
T Pradhan, B Kabi, R Mohanty, A Routray
International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications 44 (6), 1222-1262, 2016
Alertness monitoring system for vehicle drivers using physiological signals
A Sengupta, A George, A Dasgupta, A Chaudhuri, B Kabi, A Routray
Handbook of Research on Emerging Innovations in Rail Transportation …, 2016
Analysis of fixed-point singular value decomposition algorithms
B Kabi
Master’s thesis, 2015
Synthèse d'invariants: une approche programmation par contraintes basée sur l'abstraction zonotopique
B Kabi
Ecole Polytechnique, 2020
Combining zonotope abstraction and constraint programming for synthesizing inductive invariants
B Kabi, E Goubault, A Miné, S Putot
Software Verification: 12th International Conference, VSTTE 2020, and 13th …, 2020
Range analysis of matrix factorization algorithms for an overflow free fixed-point design
B Kabi, AS Sahadevan
Journal of Signal Processing Systems 91, 787-804, 2019
Floating to fixed-point translation with its application to speech-based emotion recognition
B Kabi, S Sahoo, AK Samantaray, A Routray
2014 Fourth International Conference of Emerging Applications of Information …, 2014
Developing a flight control strategy for a four-rotor under-actuated UAV
S Akash, SS Sridhar, B Kabi, N Chellammal
INTERACT-2010, 367-372, 2010
A Concoction of Zonotope Abstraction and Constraint Programming for Finding an Invariant
B Kabi, E Goubault, S Putot
SWIM 2016, 2016
An analytical framework for area and switching power optimization of a fixed-point FFT algorithm
B Kabi, R Mohanty, S Sahoo, A Routray
Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Students' Technology Symposium, 276-281, 2014
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Articles 1–20