A M Dockery
Cited by
Cited by
Culture and wellbeing: The case of Indigenous Australians
AM Dockery
Social indicators research 99, 315-332, 2010
Parents’ nonstandard work schedules and child well-being: A critical review of the literature
J Li, SE Johnson, WJ Han, S Andrews, G Kendall, L Strazdins, A Dockery
The journal of primary prevention 35, 53-73, 2014
Happiness, life satisfaction and the role of work: Evidence from two Australian surveys
AM Dockery
School of Economics and Finance, Curtin University of Technology, 2003
Is working from home good work or bad work? Evidence from Australian employees
AM Dockery, S Bawa
Australian Journal of Labour Economics 17 (2), 163-190, 2014
Working from Home in the COVID-19 Lockdown
M Dockery, S Bawa
BCEC 19, 1-5, 2020
The link between Indigenous culture and wellbeing: Qualitative evidence for Australian Aboriginal peoples
S Colquhoun, AM Dockery
Centre for Labour Market Research, 2012
When two worlds collude: Working from home and family functioning in Australia
AM Dockery, S Bawa
International Labour Review 157 (4), 609-630, 2018
The happiness of young Australians: Empirical evidence on the role of labour market experience
AM Dockery
Economic Record 81 (255), 322-335, 2005
Traditional culture and the wellbeing of Indigenous Australians: An analysis of the 2008 NATSISS
AM Dockery
Centre for Labour Market Research, Curtin University, 2011
Housing and children’s development and wellbeing: a scoping study
AM Dockery, G Kendall, J Li, A Mahendran, R Ong, L Strazdins
Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute: Melbourne, Australia, 2010
Education and happiness in the school-to-work transition
AM Dockery
National Centre for Vocational Education Research, 2010
Who'd be a nurse?: Some evidence on career choice in Australia
AM Dockery, A Barns
Australian Bulletin of Labour 31 (4), 350-383, 2005
A Review of Indigenous Employment Programs. A National Vocational Education and Training Research and Evaluation Program Report.
AM Dockery, N Milsom
National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER), 2007
Devolving public employment services: Preliminary assessment of the Australian experient
AM Dockery, T Stromback
Int'l Lab. Rev. 140, 429, 2001
Commodity prices, wages, and US inflation in the twentieth century
H Bloch, AM Dockery, D Sapsford
Journal of Post Keynesian Economics 26 (3), 523-545, 2004
Parents' work patterns and adolescent mental health
A Dockery, J Li, G Kendall
Social science & medicine 68 (4), 689-698, 2009
Parental expectations for young people’s participation in higher education in Australia
P Koshy, AM Dockery, R Seymour
Studies in Higher Education 44 (2), 302-317, 2019
Promoting low socio-economic participation in higher education: A comparison of area-based and individual measures
AM Dockery, R Seymour, P Koshy
Studies in Higher Education 41 (9), 1692-1714, 2016
Housing and children’s development and wellbeing: Evidence from Australian Data
G Dockery, A. M., Ong, R., Colquhoun, S., Li, J
Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute, 2013
Does training pay?: evidence from Australian enterprises
R Blandy, A Hawke, E Webster, AM Dockery
National Centre for Vocational Education Research, 2000
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Articles 1–20