Zhiqiang Feng
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Tens of thousands additional deaths annually in cities of China between 1.5 °C and 2.0 °C warming
ZFTF Yanjun Wang, Anqian Wang, Jianqing Zhai, Hui Tao, Tong Jiang, Buda Su ...
Nature Communications 10 (3376), 1-7, 2019
State-sponsored and spontaneous urbanization in the Pearl River Delta of south China, 1980-1998
J Shen, K Wong, Z Feng
Urban Geography 23 (7), 674-694, 2002
Residential greenness, air pollution and psychological well-being among urban residents in Guangzhou, China
R Wang, B Yang, Y Yao, MS Bloom, Z Feng, Y Yuan, J Zhang, P Liu, ...
Science of the Total Environment 711, 134843, 2020
Effect of fertility policy changes on the population structure and economy of China: from the perspective of the shared socioeconomic pathways
J Huang, D Qin, T Jiang, Y Wang, Z Feng, J Zhai, L Cao, Q Chao, X Xu, ...
Earth's Future 7 (3), 250-265, 2019
Locality deprivation and Type 2 diabetes incidence: a local test of relative inequalities
M Cox, PJ Boyle, PG Davey, Z Feng, AD Morris
Social science & medicine 65 (9), 1953-1964, 2007
Does widowhood increase mortality risk?: testing for selection effects by comparing causes of spousal death
PJ Boyle, Z Feng, GM Raab
Epidemiology 22 (1), 1-5, 2011
Screening uptake in a well-established diabetic retinopathy screening program: the role of geographical access and deprivation
GP Leese, P Boyle, Z Feng, A Emslie-Smith, JD Ellis
Diabetes Care 31 (11), 2131-2135, 2008
Do long journeys to work have adverse effects on mental health?
Z Feng, P Boyle
Environment and Behavior 46 (5), 609-625, 2014
A new look at family migration and women’s employment status
P Boyle, Z Feng, V Gayle
Journal of Marriage and Family 71 (2), 417-431, 2009
Dual-track urbanization in a transitional economy: The case of Pearl River Delta in South China
J Shen, Z Feng, KY Wong
Habitat International 30 (3), 690-705, 2006
Dog ownership and physical activity in later life: A cross-sectional observational study
Z Feng, C Dibben, MD Witham, PT Donnan, T Vadiveloo, F Sniehotta, ...
Preventive Medicine 66, 101-106, 2014
The distribution and accessibility of urban parks in Beijing, China: Implications of social equity
S Feng, L Chen, R Sun, Z Feng, J Li, MS Khan, Y Jing
International journal of environmental research and public health 16 (24), 4894, 2019
Cohort profile: the Scottish longitudinal study (SLS)
PJ Boyle, P Feijten, Z Feng, L Hattersley, Z Huang, J Nolan, G Raab
International journal of epidemiology 38 (2), 385-392, 2009
Dynamic greenspace exposure and residents’ mental health in Guangzhou, China: From over-head to eye-level perspective, from quantity to quality
R Wang, Z Feng, J Pearce, S Zhou, L Zhang, Y Liu
Landscape and Urban Planning 215, 104230, 2021
Are greenspace quantity and quality associated with mental health through different mechanisms in Guangzhou, China: A comparison study using street view data
R Wang, Z Feng, J Pearce, Y Liu, G Dong
Environmental Pollution 290, 117976, 2021
Rising premature mortality in the UK’s persistently deprived areas: Only a Scottish phenomenon?
P Norman, P Boyle, D Exeter, Z Feng, F Popham
Social science & medicine 73 (11), 1575-1584, 2011
The distribution of greenspace quantity and quality and their association with neighbourhood socioeconomic conditions in Guangzhou, China: A new approach using deep learning …
R Wang, Z Feng, J Pearce, Y Yao, X Li, Y Liu
Sustainable Cities and Society 66, 102664, 2021
Association of day length and weather conditions with physical activity levels in older community dwelling people
MD Witham, PT Donnan, T Vadiveloo, FF Sniehotta, IK Crombie, Z Feng, ...
PloS one 9 (1), e85331, 2014
Do young people not in education, employment or training experience long-term occupational scarring? A longitudinal analysis over 20 years of follow-up
K Ralston, Z Feng, D Everington, C Dibben
Exploring Social Inequality in the 21st Century, 101-119, 2018
A cancer geography paradox? Poorer cancer outcomes with longer travelling times to healthcare facilities despite prompter diagnosis and treatment: a data linkage study
M Turner, S Fielding, Y Ong, C Dibben, Z Feng, DH Brewster, C Black, ...
British journal of cancer, 2017
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Articles 1–20