Ahmed Senouci
Cited by
Cited by
Rubber-tire particles as concrete aggregate
NN Eldin, AB Senouci
Journal of materials in civil engineering 5 (4), 478-496, 1993
Measurement and prediction of the strength of rubberized concrete
NN Eldin, AB Senouci
Cement and Concrete Composites 16 (4), 287-298, 1994
Use of genetic algorithms in resource scheduling of construction projects
AB Senouci, NN Eldin
Journal of construction engineering and management 130 (6), 869-877, 2004
Artificial neural network models for predicting condition of offshore oil and gas pipelines
MS El-Abbasy, A Senouci, T Zayed, F Mirahadi, L Parvizsedghy
Automation in Construction 45, 50-65, 2014
Time delay and cost overrun in Qatari public construction projects
A Senouci, A Ismail, N Eldin
Procedia engineering 164, 368-375, 2016
Resource scheduling using neural dynamics model of Adeli and Park
AB Senouci, H Adeli
Journal of construction engineering and management 127 (1), 28-34, 2001
Observations on rubberized concrete behavior
NN Eldin, AB Senouci
Cement, Concrete, and Aggregates 15 (1), 74-84, 1993
A model for predicting failure of oil pipelines
A Senouci, M Elabbasy, E Elwakil, B Abdrabou, T Zayed
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 10 (3), 375-387, 2014
Use of scrap tires in road construction
NN Eldin, AB Senouci
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 118 (3), 561-576, 1992
Optimizing postdisaster reconstruction planning for damaged transportation networks
W Orabi, K El-Rayes, AB Senouci, H Al-Derham
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 135 (10), 1039-1048, 2009
Genetic algorithm-based multi-objective model for scheduling of linear construction projects
A Senouci, HR Al-Derham
Advances in Engineering Software 39 (12), 1023-1028, 2008
Cost optimization of composite beams using genetic algorithms
AB Senouci, MS Al-Ansari
Advances in Engineering Software 40 (11), 1112-1118, 2009
Optimizing resource utilization during the recovery of civil infrastructure systems
W Orabi, AB Senouci, K El-Rayes, H Al-Derham
Journal of management in engineering 26 (4), 237-246, 2010
Performance of modified self-healing concrete with calcium nitrate microencapsulation
M Al-Ansari, AG Abu-Taqa, MM Hassan, A Senouci, J Milla
Construction and Building Materials 149, 525-534, 2017
A pavement condition‐rating model using backpropagation neural networks
NN Eldin, AB Senouci
Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 10 (6), 433-441, 1995
Effect of mixing duration on flexural strength of multi walled carbon nanotubes cementitious composites
MO Mohsen, N Al-Nuaimi, RKA Al-Rub, A Senouci, KA Bani-Hani
Construction and Building Materials 126, 586-598, 2016
Dynamic programming approach to scheduling of nonserial linear project
AB Senouci, NN Eldin
Journal of computing in civil engineering 10 (2), 106-114, 1996
Fuzzy-based model for predicting failure of oil pipelines
A Senouci, MS El-Abbasy, T Zayed
Journal of Infrastructure Systems 20 (4), 04014018, 2014
A condition assessment model for oil and gas pipelines using integrated simulation and analytic network process
MS El-Abbasy, A Senouci, T Zayed, F Mosleh
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 11 (3), 263-281, 2015
Engineering properties of rubberized concrete
NN Eldin, AB Senouci
Canadian journal of civil engineering 19 (5), 912-923, 1992
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Articles 1–20