Ziad El-Awad
Cited by
Cited by
Entrepreneurial learning and innovation: The critical role of team-level learning for the evolution of innovation capabilities in technology-based ventures
Z El-Awad, J Gabrielsson, D Politis
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research 23 (3), 381-405, 2017
From individuals to the organization: A transactive memory system perspective on multilevel entrepreneurial learning
Z El-Awad
The Learning Organization, 2019
Beyond individuals-A Process of Routinizing Behaviors Through Entrepreneurial Learning: Insights from Technology-Based Ventures
Z El-Awad
Bridging cognitive scripts in multidisciplinary academic spinoff teams: A process perspective on how academics learn to work with non-academic managers
Z El-Awad, A Brattström, N Breugst
Research Policy 51 (10), 104592, 2022
Explore or exploit? Unpacking the situational conditions and cognitive mechanisms underlying entrepreneurial learning in the new venture development process
Z El-Awad
Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 35 (1-2), 2023
Unpacking the early alumni engagement of entrepreneurship graduates
Z El-Awad, J Gabrielsson, J Pocek, D and Politis
Journal of Small Business Management, 2022
Unpacking entrepreneurial learning: How prior related experience and perceived uncertainty affect learning behaviors
Z El-Awad
August, 2019
Unfolding the Dynamics of Refugees’ Entrepreneurial Journey in the Aftermath of Forced Displacement
S Abebe, Z El-Awad
Palgrave MacMillan, 2023
Unpacking entrepreneurial learning: How prior related experience and uncertainty affect learning behaviors
Z El-Awad
39th Annual Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC), 2019
Dysfunctional Diversity: Entrepreneurial Learning in Cognitively Heterogeneous Teams
Z El-Awad, A Bratsttström
Academy of Management Proceedings 2018 (No. 1), 2017
Springer Books
SND Analytics, L Asia
Factors for maintaining self-efficacy throughout entrepreneurial failure
B Becker, N Zimmermann, Z El-Awad
The ethos of sustainable entrepreneurship education: A review and critical analysis
Z El-Awad, D Politis, J Gabrielsson
3E conference in Amsterdam, May 15-17., 2024
The Relevance of Routinizing Behaviours in the Development of Academic Spinoffs
Z El-Awad
Academic Spin-offs: The Role of Routinized Behaviours in New Venture Success …, 2023
Conclusions: Learnings and Implications for your Business
Z El-Awad
Academic Spin-offs: The Role of Routinized Behaviours in New Venture Success …, 2023
Introduction: The Role of Universities in Society
Z El-Awad
Academic Spin-offs: The Role of Routinized Behaviours in New Venture Success …, 2023
Transposing Individual Level Experiences into the Venture: The Critical Role of the Venture Team for Routine Creation
Z El-Awad
Academic Spin-offs: The Role of Routinized Behaviours in New Venture Success …, 2023
Diversity and Collaborative Dynamics in ASO Teams
Z El-Awad
Academic Spin-offs: The Role of Routinized Behaviours in New Venture Success …, 2023
How Team Level Experiences Shape Uncertainty Perception and Produce Routines for Efficiency or Change
Z El-Awad
Academic Spin-offs: The Role of Routinized Behaviours in New Venture Success …, 2023
Developing Routines for Delivering Consistency and Dealing with Failure: The Webtech Case
Z El-Awad
Academic Spin-offs: The Role of Routinized Behaviours in New Venture Success …, 2023
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Articles 1–20