Huihui Pan
Cited by
Cited by
Deep dual-resolution networks for real-time and accurate semantic segmentation of road scenes
Y Hong, H Pan, W Sun, Y Jia
arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.06085, 2021
Filter-based adaptive vibration control for active vehicle suspensions with electrohydraulic actuators
W Sun, H Pan, H Gao
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 65 (6), 4619-4626, 2015
Deep dual-resolution networks for real-time and accurate semantic segmentation of traffic scenes
H Pan, Y Hong, W Sun, Y Jia
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 24 (3), 3448-3460, 2022
Nonlinear output feedback finite-time control for vehicle active suspension systems
H Pan, W Sun
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 15 (4), 2073-2082, 2018
Disturbance observer-based adaptive tracking control with actuator saturation and its application
H Pan, W Sun, H Gao, X Jing
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 13 (2), 868-875, 2015
Multi-objective control for uncertain nonlinear active suspension systems
W Sun, H Pan, Y Zhang, H Gao
Mechatronics 24 (4), 318-327, 2014
A bioinspired dynamics-based adaptive tracking control for nonlinear suspension systems
H Pan, X Jing, W Sun, H Gao
IEEE transactions on control systems technology 26 (3), 903-914, 2017
Finite-time stabilization for vehicle active suspension systems with hard constraints
H Pan, W Sun, H Gao, J Yu
IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems 16 (5), 2663-2672, 2015
Adaptive tracking control for active suspension systems with non-ideal actuators
H Pan, W Sun, X Jing, H Gao, J Yao
Journal of Sound and Vibration 399, 2-20, 2017
Nonlinear tracking control based on extended state observer for vehicle active suspensions with performance constraints
H Pan, W Sun, H Gao, T Hayat, F Alsaadi
Mechatronics 30, 363-370, 2015
Adaptive fault-tolerant compensation control and its application to nonlinear suspension systems
H Pan, H Li, W Sun, Z Wang
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 50 (5), 1766-1776, 2018
Robust finite-time tracking control for nonlinear suspension systems via disturbance compensation
H Pan, X Jing, W Sun
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 88, 49-61, 2017
Event-triggered adaptive asymptotic tracking control of uncertain MIMO nonlinear systems with actuator faults
H Pan, D Zhang, W Sun, X Yu
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 52 (9), 8655-8667, 2021
Reliability control for uncertain half‐car active suspension systems with possible actuator faults
W Sun, H Pan, J Yu, H Gao
IET Control Theory & Applications 8 (9), 746-754, 2014
Analysis and design of a bioinspired vibration sensor system in noisy environment
H Pan, X Jing, W Sun, Z Li
IEEE/ASME transactions on mechatronics 23 (2), 845-855, 2018
Event-triggered adaptive control for uncertain constrained nonlinear systems with its application
H Pan, X Chang, D Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 16 (6), 3818-3827, 2019
Barrier function-based adaptive sliding mode control for application to vehicle suspensions
Z Liu, H Pan
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification 7 (3), 2023-2033, 2020
Event-triggered adaptive fault-tolerant control for unknown nonlinear systems with applications to linear motor
J Wang, H Pan, W Sun
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 27 (2), 940-949, 2021
Fault-tolerant multiplayer tracking control for autonomous vehicle via model-free adaptive dynamic programming
H Pan, C Zhang, W Sun
IEEE Transactions on Reliability 72 (4), 1395-1406, 2022
Sine resistance network-based motion planning approach for autonomous electric vehicles in dynamic environments
T Huang, H Pan, W Sun, H Gao
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification 8 (2), 2862-2873, 2022
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