David Peetz
Cited by
Cited by
Unions in a contrary world: The future of the Australian trade union movement
D Peetz
Cambridge University Press, 1998
Brave new workplace: How individual contracts are changing our jobs
D Peetz
Allen & Unwin, 2006
Influences on work/non-work conflict
C Allan, R Loudoun, D Peetz
Journal of Sociology 43 (3), 219-239, 2007
Globalization and industrial relations in East Asia: a three‐country comparison
SJ Frenkel, D Peetz
Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society 37 (3), 282-310, 1998
The casual academic workforce and labour market segmentation in Australia
R May, D Peetz, G Strachan
Labour & Industry: a journal of the social and economic relations of work 23 …, 2013
More tasks, less secure, working harder: Three dimensions of labour utilisation
C Allan, M O'Donnell, D Peetz
Journal of Industrial Relations 41 (4), 519-535, 1999
The casual approach to university teaching: Time for a re-think
R May, G Strachan, K Broadbent, D Peetz
Research and development in higher education: Reshaping higher education 34 …, 2011
Declining union density
D Peetz
Journal of Industrial Relations 32 (2), 197-223, 1990
Workforce development and renewal in Australian universities and the management of casual academic staff
R May, G Strachan, D Peetz
Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice 10 (3), 3, 2013
Decollectivist strategies in Oceania
D Peetz
Relations industrielles 57 (2), 252-281, 2002
The realities and futures of work
D Peetz
ANU Press, 2019
Are individualistic attitudes killing collectivism?
D Peetz
Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research 16 (3), 383-398, 2010
Race against time: Extended hours in Australia
D Peetz, K Townsend, B Russell, C Houghton, C Allan, A Fox
Australian Bulletin of Labour 29 (2), 126-142, 2003
Malaysian industrial relations at century's turn: Vision 2020 or a spectre of the past?
P Todd, D Peetz
International Journal of Human Resource Management 12 (8), 1365-1382, 2001
Managerial autism: Threat–rigidity and rigidity's threat
O Muurlink, A Wilkinson, D Peetz, K Townsend
British Journal of Management 23, S74-S87, 2012
Work and careers in Australian universities: Report on employee survey
G Strachan, C Troup, D Peetz, G Whitehouse, K Broadbent, J Bailey
Centre for Work, Organisation and Wellbeing, Griffith University, 2012
‘You get really old, really quick’: involuntary long hours in the mining industry
D Peetz, G Murray
Journal of Industrial Relations 53 (1), 13-29, 2011
Assessing the impact of'WorkChoices' one year on
D Peetz
Business Victoria, 2007
An analysis of workplace representatives, union power and democracy in Australia
D Peetz, B Pocock
British Journal of Industrial Relations 47 (4), 623-652, 2009
Enterprise bargaining: the BCA's report on industrial relations reform
S Frenkel, D Peetz
Journal of Industrial Relations 32 (1), 69-99, 1990
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Articles 1–20