Colin White
Colin White
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Cited by
Bananas: Bayesian optimization with neural architectures for neural architecture search
C White, W Neiswanger, Y Savani
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 35, 2021
How powerful are performance predictors in neural architecture search?
C White, A Zela, R Ru, Y Liu, F Hutter
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34, 28454-28469, 2021
Neural architecture search: Insights from 1000 papers
C White, M Safari, R Sukthanker, B Ru, T Elsken, A Zela, D Dey, F Hutter
arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.08727, 2023
Exploring the loss landscape in neural architecture search
C White, S Nolen, Y Savani
Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, 654-664, 2021
A study on encodings for neural architecture search
C White, W Neiswanger, S Nolen, Y Savani
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33, 2020
When do neural nets outperform boosted trees on tabular data?
D McElfresh, S Khandagale, J Valverde, V Prasad C, G Ramakrishnan, ...
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 36, 2024
Synthetic benchmarks for scientific research in explainable machine learning
Y Liu, S Khandagale, C White, W Neiswanger
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems Datasets and Benchmarks Track, 2021
Smaug: Fixing failure modes of preference optimisation with dpo-positive
A Pal, D Karkhanis, S Dooley, M Roberts, S Naidu, C White
arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.13228, 2024
Learning-Theoretic Foundations of Algorithm Configuration for Combinatorial Partitioning Problems
MF Balcan, V Nagarajan, E Vitercik, C White
Conference on Learning Theory, 213-274, 2017
Intra-processing methods for debiasing neural networks
Y Savani, C White, NS Govindarajulu
Advances in neural information processing systems 33, 2798-2810, 2020
NAS-Bench-Suite: NAS Evaluation is (Now) Surprisingly Easy
Y Mehta, C White, A Zela, A Krishnakumar, G Zabergja, S Moradian, ...
International Conference on Learning Representations, 2022
Forecastpfn: Synthetically-trained zero-shot forecasting
S Dooley, GS Khurana, C Mohapatra, SV Naidu, C White
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 36, 2024
Nas-bench-suite-zero: Accelerating research on zero cost proxies
A Krishnakumar, C White, A Zela, R Tu, M Safari, F Hutter
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35, 28037-28051, 2022
A Deeper Look at Zero-Cost Proxies for Lightweight NAS
C White, M Khodak, R Tu, S Shah, S Bubeck, D Dey
ICLR Blog Track, 2022
Data-Driven Clustering via Parameterized Lloyd's Families
MF Balcan, T Dick, C White
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 10664-10674, 2018
To the cutoff... and beyond? a longitudinal perspective on LLM data contamination
M Roberts, H Thakur, C Herlihy, C White, S Dooley
The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations, 2023
Nas-bench-x11 and the power of learning curves
S Yan, C White, Y Savani, F Hutter
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34, 22534-22549, 2021
k-center Clustering under Perturbation Resilience
MF Balcan, N Haghtalab, C White
ACM Transactions on Algorithms (TALG) 16 (2), 1-39, 2020
Rethinking bias mitigation: Fairer architectures make for fairer face recognition
S Dooley, R Sukthanker, J Dickerson, C White, F Hutter, M Goldblum
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 36, 2024
-center Clustering under Perturbation Resilience
MF Balcan, N Haghtalab, C White
International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming, 2016
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Articles 1–20