Mobilität in Deutschland− MiD: Ergebnisbericht C Nobis, T Kuhnimhof | 394 | 2018 |
Travel trends among young adults in Germany: increasing multimodality and declining car use for men T Kuhnimhof, R Buehler, M Wirtz, D Kalinowska Journal of Transport Geography 24, 443-450, 2012 | 383 | 2012 |
Men shape a downward trend in car use among young adults—evidence from six industrialized countries T Kuhnimhof, J Armoogum, R Buehler, J Dargay, JM Denstadli, ... Transport Reviews 32 (6), 761-779, 2012 | 342 | 2012 |
Who made peak car, and how? A breakdown of trends over four decades in four countries T Kuhnimhof, D Zumkeller, B Chlond Transport Reviews 33 (3), 325-342, 2013 | 186 | 2013 |
A new generation: travel trends for young Germans and Britons T Kuhnimhof, R Buehler, J Dargay Transportation Research Record 2230 (1), 58-67, 2011 | 151 | 2011 |
Autonomous driving-the impact of vehicle automation on mobility behaviour S Trommer, V Kolarova, E Fraedrich, L Kröger, B Kickhöfer, T Kuhnimhof, ... | 144 | 2016 |
Does context matter? A comparative study modelling autonomous vehicle impact on travel behaviour for Germany and the USA L Kröger, T Kuhnimhof, S Trommer Transportation research part A: policy and practice 122, 146-161, 2019 | 136 | 2019 |
Users of transport modes and multimodal travel behavior: Steps toward understanding travelers’ options and choices T Kuhnimhof, B Chlond, S Von Der Ruhren Transportation research record 1985 (1), 40-48, 2006 | 126 | 2006 |
Mobilität in Deutschland–MiD Ergebnisbericht. Studie von infas, DLR, IVT und infas 360 im Auftrag des Bundesministers für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur (FE-Nr. 70.904/15) C Nobis, T Kuhnimhof Vöckler, Kai; Eckart, Peter; Knöll, Martin; Lanzendorf, Martin (Hg …, 2018 | 93 | 2018 |
A systemic view on autonomous vehicles: Policy aspects for a sustainable transportation planning FJ Bahamonde-Birke, B Kickhöfer, D Heinrichs, T Kuhnimhof disP-The Planning Review 54 (3), 12-25, 2018 | 76 | 2018 |
Deutsches mobilitätspanel (mop)–wissenschaftliche begleitung und erste auswertungen D Zumkeller, B Chlond, P Ottmann, M Kagerbauer, T Kuhnimhof Kurzbericht. Karlsruhe: Institut für Verkehrswesen, Universität Karlsruhe, 2011 | 74 | 2011 |
Incorporating transport energy into urban planning MJ Saunders, T Kuhnimhof, B Chlond, ANR da Silva Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 42 (6), 874-882, 2008 | 64 | 2008 |
Mobilität in Deutschland–MiD C Nobis, T Kuhnimhof, R Follmer Ergebnisbericht. BMVI, infas, DLR, IVT, infas 360, 2018 | 57 | 2018 |
Multimodal travel choices of bicyclists: multiday data analysis of bicycle use in Germany T Kuhnimhof, B Chlond, PC Huang Transportation Research Record 2190 (1), 19-27, 2010 | 55 | 2010 |
Generating internationally comparable figures on long-distance travel for Europe T Kuhnimhof, R Collet, J Armoogum, JL Madre Transportation research record 2105 (1), 18-27, 2009 | 54 | 2009 |
Decomposing young Germans’ altered car use patterns: Lower incomes, more students, decrease in car travel by men, and more multimodality T Kuhnimhof, M Wirtz, W Manz Transportation research record 2320 (1), 64-71, 2012 | 49 | 2012 |
Survey harmonisation with new technologies improvement (SHANTI) J Armoogum, P Bonsall, M Browne, L Christensen, M Cools, E Cornelis, ... Les collections de L'INRETS, 2014 | 47 | 2014 |
The future of driving in developing countries C Rohr, L Ecola, T Kuhnimhof, J Zmud, P Phleps Rand Corporation, 2014 | 39 | 2014 |
Who are the drivers of peak car use? A decomposition of recent car travel trends for six industrialized countries T Kuhnimhof, D Zumkeller, B Chlond Transportation research record 2383 (1), 53-61, 2013 | 38 | 2013 |
Long distance travel in Europe today: Experiences with a new survey A Frei, T Kuhnimhof, KW Axhausen Arbeitsberichte Verkehrs-und Raumplanung 569, 2009 | 38 | 2009 |