Erasmo Papagni
Erasmo Papagni
Professor of Public Finance, University of Naples Federico II, Department of Law
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Public expenditure, corruption, and economic growth: the case of Italy
A Del Monte, E Papagni
European journal of political economy 17 (1), 1-16, 2001
R&D and the growth of firms: empirical analysis of a panel of Italian firms
A Del Monte, E Papagni
Research policy 32 (6), 1003-1014, 2003
The determinants of corruption in Italy: Regional panel data analysis
A Del Monte, E Papagni
European Journal of Political Economy 23 (2), 379-396, 2007
The dynamics of international competitiveness
G Amendola, G Dosi, E Papagni
Review of World Economics 129 (3), 451-471, 1993
Public investment and growth: Lessons learned from 60-years experience in Southern Italy
E Papagni, A Lepore, E Felice, AL Baraldi, MR Alfano
Journal of Policy Modeling 43 (2), 376-393, 2021
Do collaborations enhance the high-quality output of scientific institutions? Evidence from the Italian research assessment exercise
MR Carillo, E Papagni, A Sapio
The Journal of Socio-Economics 47, 25-36, 2013
Fertility choice and financial development
V Filoso, E Papagni
European Journal of Political Economy 37, 160-177, 2015
Household borrowing constraints, fertility dynamics, and economic growth
E Papagni
Journal of economic dynamics and control 30 (1), 27-54, 2006
“Little Science” and “Big Science”: The institution of “Open Science” as a cause of scientific and economic inequalities among countries
MR Carillo, E Papagni
Economic Modelling 43, 42-56, 2014
Dinamica dell'occupazione, salari e innovazione nell'industria italiana
L Costabile, E Papagni
Rivista italiana degli economisti 3 (3), 363-394, 1998
Effects of social interactions on scientists' productivity
M Rosaria Carillo, E Papagni, F Capitanio
International Journal of Manpower 29 (3), 263-279, 2008
Le imprese del Mezzogiorno negli anni Novanta
A Giannola, E Papagni, D Sarno
Quaderni di Politica Industriale dell’Osservatorio sulle piccole e medie …, 1998
Sviluppo duale e progresso tecnico nell'economia italiana
E Papagni
Franco Angeli, 1995
High-technology exports of EEC countries: persistence and diversity of specialization patterns
E Papagni
Applied Economics 24 (8), 925-933, 1992
Dualismo, nuove teorie della crescita e sviluppo del Mezzogiorno
MR Carillo, B Moro, E Papagni, S Vinci
Il mulino, 2008
Causes and timing of the European debt crisis: An econometric evaluation
V Filoso, C Panico, E Papagni, F Purificato, MV Suarez
EERI Research Paper Series, 2017
Timing does matter: institutional flaws and the European debt crisis
V Filoso, C Panico, E Papagni, F Purificato, M Vįzquez Suįrez
Review of Political Economy 33 (4), 769-792, 2021
Human capital, fertility, and growth under borrowing constraints
E Papagni
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 30 (1), 27-54, 2006
Incentive structure in basic research and economic growth
MR Carillo, E Papagni
DES (Department of Economic Studies), University of Naples" Parthenope …, 2004
Long-term barriers to global fertility convergence
E Papagni
Journal of Population Economics 36 (1), 431-470, 2023
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Articles 1–20