B. Parker Ellen III
Cited by
Cited by
The dark side of leadership: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis of destructive leadership research
JD Mackey, BP Ellen III, CP McAllister, KC Alexander
Journal of Business Research 132, 705-718, 2021
Further specification of the leader political skill–leadership effectiveness relationships: Transformational and transactional leader behavior as mediators
C Ewen, A Wihler, G Blickle, K Oerder, BP Ellen III, C Douglas, GR Ferris
The leadership quarterly 24 (4), 516-533, 2013
Reorganizing organizational politics research: A review of the literature and identification of future research directions
GR Ferris, BP Ellen III, CP McAllister, LP Maher
Annual review of organizational psychology and organizational behavior 6 (1 …, 2019
A meta-analysis of interpersonal and organizational workplace deviance research
JD Mackey, CP McAllister, BP Ellen III, JE Carson
Journal of Management 47 (3), 597-622, 2021
Personal initiative and job performance evaluations: Role of political skill in opportunity recognition and capitalization
A Wihler, G Blickle, BP Ellen III, WA Hochwarter, GR Ferris
Journal of Management 43 (5), 1388-1420, 2017
Putting the “management” back in human resource management: A review and agenda for future research
DS Steffensen Jr, BP Ellen III, G Wang, GR Ferris
Journal of Management 45 (6), 2387-2418, 2019
Social influence opportunity recognition, evaluation, and capitalization: Increased theoretical specification through political skill’s dimensional dynamics
CP McAllister, BP Ellen III, GR Ferris
Journal of Management 44 (5), 1926-1952, 2018
Navigating uneven terrain: The roles of political skill and LMX differentiation in prediction of work relationship quality and work outcomes
O Epitropaki, I Kapoutsis, BP Ellen III, GR Ferris, K Drivas, A Ntotsi
Journal of Organizational Behavior 37 (7), 1078-1103, 2016
Subordinate social adaptability and the consequences of abusive supervision perceptions in two samples
JD Mackey, BP Ellen III, WA Hochwarter, GR Ferris
The Leadership Quarterly 24 (5), 732-746, 2013
High performance work practice implementation and employee impressions of line manager leadership
ZA Russell, DS Steffensen, BP Ellen III, L Zhang, JD Bishoff, GR Ferris
Human Resource Management Review 28 (3), 258-270, 2018
Leader political support: Reconsidering leader political behavior
BP Ellen III, GR Ferris, MR Buckley
The Leadership Quarterly 24 (6), 842-857, 2013
More than one way to articulate a vision: A configurations approach to leader charismatic rhetoric and influence
JE Baur, BP Ellen III, MR Buckley, GR Ferris, TH Allison, AF McKenny, ...
The Leadership Quarterly 27 (1), 156-171, 2016
Board antecedents of CEO duality and the moderating role of country-level managerial discretion: A meta-analytic investigation
G Wang, K DeGhetto, BP Ellen III, BT Lamont
Journal of Management Studies 56 (1), 172-202, 2019
Checkmate: Using political skill to recognize and capitalize on opportunities in the ‘game’of organizational life
CP McAllister, BP Ellen III, PL Perrewé, GR Ferris, DJ Hirsch
Business Horizons 58 (1), 25-34, 2015
Portrait of a workplace deviant: A clearer picture of the Big Five and Dark Triad as predictors of workplace deviance.
BP Ellen III, KC Alexander, JD Mackey, CP McAllister, JE Carson
Journal of Applied Psychology 106 (12), 1950, 2021
Dealing with the full-of-self-boss: Interactive effects of supervisor narcissism and subordinate resource management ability on work outcomes
BP Ellen, C Kiewitz, PRJM Garcia, WA Hochwarter
Journal of Business Ethics 157, 847-864, 2019
The Role of Reputation in the Organizational Sciences: A Multilevel Review, Construct Assessment, and Research Directions.
AD Ferris, G. R., Harris, J. N., Russell, Z. A., Blass, F. R., Ellen, B. P ...
Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management 32, 241-303, 2014
Examining the interactive effects of accountability, politics, and voice
WA Hochwarter, GR Ferris
Career Development International 19 (4), 358-380, 2014
Considering the positive possibilities of leader political behavior
BP Ellen III
Journal of Organizational Behavior 35 (6), 892-896, 2014
Personality and political skill as distal and proximal predictors of leadership evaluations
W A. Gentry, J B. Leslie, D C. Gilmore, B Parker Ellen III, G R. Ferris, ...
Career Development International 18 (6), 569-588, 2013
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Articles 1–20