Julija Vaitonyte
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Cited by
Toward the markerless and automatic analysis of kinematic features: A toolkit for gesture and movement research
JP Trujillo, J Vaitonyte, I Simanova, A Özyürek
Behavior Research Methods 51, 769-777, 2019
Degree of language experience modulates visual attention to visible speech and iconic gestures during clear and degraded speech comprehension
L Drijvers, J Vaitonytė, A Özyürek
Cognitive Science 43 (10), e12789, 2019
Scoping review of the neural evidence on the uncanny valley
J Vaitonytė, M Alimardani, MM Louwerse
Computers in Human Behavior Reports 9, 100263, 2023
Realism of the face lies in skin and eyes: Evidence from virtual and human agents
J Vaitonytė, PA Blomsma, M Alimardani, MM Louwerse
Computers in Human Behavior Reports 3, 100065, 2021
A realistic, multimodal virtual agent for the healthcare domain
GM Linders, J Vaitonytė, M Alimardani, KO Mitev, MM Louwerse
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual …, 2022
Backchannel behavior is idiosyncratic
P Blomsma, J Vaitonyté, G Skantze, M Swerts
Language and Cognition, 1-24, 2024
Intrapersonal dependencies in multimodal behavior
PA Blomsma, GM Linders, J Vaitonyte, MM Louwerse
Proceedings of the 20th ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual …, 2020
Generating facial expression data: computational and experimental evidence
J Vaitonyte, PA Blomsma, M Alimardani, MM Louwerse
Proceedings of the 19th ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual …, 2019
Spontaneous facial behavior revolves around neutral facial displays
PA Blomsma, J Vaitonyte, M Alimardani, MM Louwerse
Proceedings of the 20th ACM international conference on intelligent virtual …, 2020
Corneal reflections and skin contrast yield better memory of human and virtual faces
J Vaitonytė, M Alimardani, MM Louwerse
Cognitive research: principles and implications 7 (1), 94, 2022
Keep Calm and Learn the Language: Do Multilinguals Have Lower Intolerance of Uncertainty than Monolinguals?
J Vaitonyte, Ö Öztürk, LM Müller
CogSci, 2020
Feminine Imagery in Contemporary American Pop Songs: A contrastive Analysis
J Vaitonytė, J Korostenskienė
Sustainable Multilingualism/Darnioji daugiakalbystė, 109-131, 2015
Effect of a Virtual Agent's Appearance and Voice on Uncanny Valley and Trust in Human-Agent Collaboration
M Alimardani, R de Roode, J Vaitonyte, MM Louwerse
Proceedings of the 24th ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual …, 2024
The Face Puzzle: Decoding Human Perception of Digital Agents
J Vaitonyte
Face Processing in Real and Virtual Faces: An EEG Study
J Vaitonytė, M Alimardani, M Louwerse
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 46, 2024
Gaze allocation during gestural enhancement of degraded speech in native and non-native listeners
JV Vaitonytė
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Articles 1–16