Building treatments for urban flood inundation models and implications for predictive skill and modeling efficiency JE Schubert, BF Sanders Advances in Water Resources 41, 49-64, 2012 | 326 | 2012 |
Two-dimensional, high-resolution modeling of urban dam-break flooding: A case study of Baldwin Hills, California HA Gallegos, JE Schubert, BF Sanders Advances in water resources 32 (8), 1323-1335, 2009 | 286 | 2009 |
Unstructured mesh generation and landcover-based resistance for hydrodynamic modeling of urban flooding JE Schubert, BF Sanders, MJ Smith, NG Wright Advances in Water Resources 31 (12), 1603-1621, 2008 | 259 | 2008 |
Integral formulation of shallow-water equations with anisotropic porosity for urban flood modeling BF Sanders, JE Schubert, HA Gallegos Journal of hydrology 362 (1-2), 19-38, 2008 | 245 | 2008 |
An intercomparison of remote sensing river discharge estimation algorithms from measurements of river height, width, and slope M Durand, CJ Gleason, PA Garambois, D Bjerklie, LC Smith, H Roux, ... Water Resources Research 52 (6), 4527-4549, 2016 | 218 | 2016 |
ParBreZo: A parallel, unstructured grid, Godunov-type, shallow-water code for high-resolution flood inundation modeling at the regional scale BF Sanders, JE Schubert, RL Detwiler Advances in water resources 33 (12), 1456-1467, 2010 | 177 | 2010 |
Linking statistical and hydrodynamic modeling for compound flood hazard assessment in tidal channels and estuaries H Moftakhari, JE Schubert, A AghaKouchak, RA Matthew, BF Sanders Advances in Water Resources 128, 28-38, 2019 | 170 | 2019 |
Predicting tidal flooding of urbanized embayments: A modeling framework and data requirements TW Gallien, JE Schubert, BF Sanders Coastal Engineering 58 (6), 567-577, 2011 | 154 | 2011 |
Mesh type tradeoffs in 2D hydrodynamic modeling of flooding with a Godunov-based flow solver B Kim, BF Sanders, JE Schubert, JS Famiglietti Advances in Water Resources 68, 42-61, 2014 | 130 | 2014 |
A framework for the case-specific assessment of Green Infrastructure in mitigating urban flood hazards JE Schubert, MJ Burns, TD Fletcher, BF Sanders Advances in Water Resources 108, 55-68, 2017 | 126 | 2017 |
Communicating flood risk: Looking back and forward at traditional and social media outlets D Feldman, S Contreras, B Karlin, V Basolo, R Matthew, B Sanders, ... International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 15, 43-51, 2016 | 126 | 2016 |
PRIMo: Parallel raster inundation model BF Sanders, JE Schubert Advances in Water Resources 126, 79-95, 2019 | 122 | 2019 |
Going beyond the flood insurance rate map: Insights from flood hazard map co-production A Luke, BF Sanders, KA Goodrich, DL Feldman, D Boudreau, A Eguiarte, ... Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 18 (4), 1097-1120, 2018 | 109 | 2018 |
Collaborative modeling with fine‐resolution data enhances flood awareness, minimizes differences in flood perception, and produces actionable flood maps BF Sanders, JE Schubert, KA Goodrich, D Houston, DL Feldman, ... Earth's Future 8 (1), e2019EF001391, 2020 | 92 | 2020 |
Dual integral porosity shallow water model for urban flood modelling V Guinot, BF Sanders, JE Schubert Advances in water resources 103, 16-31, 2017 | 91 | 2017 |
Large and inequitable flood risks in Los Angeles, California BF Sanders, JE Schubert, DT Kahl, KJ Mach, D Brady, A AghaKouchak, ... Nature sustainability 6 (1), 47-57, 2023 | 89 | 2023 |
The influence of hazard maps and trust of flood controls on coastal flood spatial awareness and risk perception D Houston, W Cheung, V Basolo, D Feldman, R Matthew, BF Sanders, ... Environment and Behavior 51 (4), 347-375, 2019 | 53 | 2019 |
Structural damage prediction in a high-velocity urban dam-break flood: Field-scale assessment of predictive skill HA Gallegos, JE Schubert, BF Sanders Journal of Engineering Mechanics 38 (10), 1249-1262, 2012 | 51 | 2012 |
Testing the impact of at‐source stormwater management on urban flooding through a coupling of network and overland flow models MJ Burns, JE Schubert, TD Fletcher, BF Sanders Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water 2 (4), 291-300, 2015 | 42 | 2015 |
A framework for mechanistic flood inundation forecasting at the metropolitan scale JE Schubert, A Luke, A AghaKouchak, BF Sanders Water Resources Research 58 (10), e2021WR031279, 2022 | 40 | 2022 |