Özgür Gürerk
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Cited by
The competitive advantage of sanctioning institutions
O Gurerk, B Irlenbusch, B Rockenbach
Science 312 (5770), 108-111, 2006
What makes people go to war? Defensive intentions motivate retaliatory and preemptive intergroup aggression
R Böhm, H Rusch, Ö Gürerk
Evolution and Human Behavior 37 (1), 29-34, 2016
Motivating teammates: The leader’s choice between positive and negative incentives
Ö Gürerk, B Irlenbusch, B Rockenbach
Journal of Economic Psychology 30 (4), 591-607, 2009
On Cooperation in Open Communities
Ö Gürerk, B Irlenbusch, B Rockenbach
Journal of Public Economics 120, 220-230, 2014
Virtual humans as co-workers: A novel methodology to study peer effects
Ö Gürerk, A Bönsch, T Kittsteiner, A Staffeldt
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 78, 17-29, 2019
Does virtual reality increase charitable giving? an experimental study
Ö Gürerk, A Kasulke
Perception engineering learning with virtual reality
T Bohné, I Heine, Ö Gürerk, C Rieger, L Kemmer, LY Cao
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies 14 (4), 500-514, 2021
Leadership with individual rewards and punishments
Ö Gürerk, T Lauer, M Scheuermann
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 74, 57-69, 2018
Social learning increases the acceptance and the efficiency of punishment institutions in social dilemmas
Ö Gürerk
Journal of Economic Psychology 34, 229-239, 2013
Nudging climate change mitigation: a laboratory experiment with inter-generational public goods
R Böhm, Ö Gürerk, T Lauer
Games 11 (4), 42, 2020
Voting with feet: community choice in social dilemmas
Ö Gürerk, B Irlenbusch, B Rockenbach
IZA Discussion Paper, 2009
The effect of payoff tables on experimental oligopoly behavior
Ö Gürerk, R Selten
Experimental Economics 15 (3), 499-509, 2012
EXPRESS: Execution Failures in Retail Supply Chains–A Virtual Reality Experiment
N DeHoratius, Ö Gürerk, D Honhon, K Hyndman
Production and Operations Management, 10591478241275066, 2024
On the evolvement of institutions in social dilemmas
O Gürerk, B Irlenbusch, B Rockenbach
working paper, University of Erfurt, 2005
The effects of punishment in dynamic public-good games
O Guererk, B Rockenbach, I Wolff
Available at SSRN 1589362, 2010
Peers at work: Economic real-effort experiments in the presence of virtual co-workers
A Bönsch, J Wendt, H Overath, Ö Gürerk, C Harbring, C Grund, ...
2017 IEEE virtual reality (VR), 301-302, 2017
Productivity and learning effects of head-mounted AR displays on human-centered work
Ö Gürerk, T Bohné, G Alvarez Alonso
Available at SSRN 3264118, 2019
Experimental economics in virtual reality
Ö Gürerk, A Bönsch, L Braun, C Grund, C Harbring, T Kittsteiner, ...
Culture and prevalence of sanctioning institutions
MY Gürdal, Ö Gürerk, M Yahşi
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 92, 101692, 2021
Endogenously emerging gender pay gap in an experimental teamwork setting
Ö Gürerk, B Irlenbusch, B Rockenbach
Games 9 (4), 98, 2018
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Articles 1–20