Joseph Coughlan
Joseph Coughlan
Professor, Maynooth University
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Evaluating model fit: a synthesis of the structural equation modelling literature
D Hooper, J Coughlan, M Mullen
7th European Conference on research methodology for business and management …, 2008
Do different industries report corporate social responsibility differently? An investigation through the lens of stakeholder theory
L Sweeney, J Coughlan
Journal of marketing Communications 14 (2), 113-124, 2008
The servicescape as an antecedent to service quality and behavioral intentions
D Hooper, J Coughlan, M R. Mullen
Journal of services marketing 27 (4), 271-280, 2013
Technology readiness in a B2B online retail context: An examination of antecedents and outcomes
R Vize, J Coughlan, A Kennedy, F Ellis-Chadwick
Industrial Marketing Management 42 (6), 909-918, 2013
Social media and luxury: A systematic literature review
D Creevey, J Coughlan, C O'Connor
International Journal of Management Reviews 24 (1), 99-129, 2022
Airline overbooking in the multi-class case
J Coughlan
Journal of the Operational Research Society 50 (11), 1098-1103, 1999
Brent crude oil prices volatility during major crises
M Zavadska, L Morales, J Coughlan
Finance Research Letters 32, 101078, 2020
Developing subsidiary contribution to the MNC—Subsidiary entrepreneurship and strategy creativity
P Scott, P Gibbons, J Coughlan
Journal of International Management 16 (4), 328-339, 2010
Structural equation modelling: Guidelines for determining model fit
D Hooper, J Coughlan, MR Mullen
Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods 6 (1), 53-60, 2008
An exploration of the effects of the servicescape on customer and employee responses in a grocery retail context
T Kearney, J Coughlan, A Kennedy
Irish Journal of Management 32 (2), 71, 2013
Investigating the effects of shyness and sociability on customer impulse buying tendencies: the moderating effect of age and gender
M Dhaundiyal, J Coughlan
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 44 (9), 923-939, 2016
Online shopping portals: an option for traditional retailers?
A Kennedy, J Coughlan
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 34 (7), 516-528, 2006
Servicescapes: a review of contemporary empirical research
T Kearney, A Kennedy, J Coughlan
Technological University Dublin, 2007
The effect of hedonic motivations, socialibility and shyness on the implusive buying tendencies of the Irish consumer
M Dhaundiyal, J Coughlan
Technological University Dublin, 2009
Structural equation modelling: Guidelines for determining model fit. Electron J Bus Res Methods. 2008; 6 (1): 53–60
D Hooper, J Coughlan, M Mullen
Burnout and counterproductive workplace behaviours among frontline hospitality employees: the effect of perceived contract precarity
E Wallace, J Coughlan
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 35 (2), 451-468, 2023
Cost assessment of alternative fuels for maritime transportation in Ireland
K Gore, P Rigot-Müller, J Coughlan
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 110, 103416, 2022
Does it pay to be proactive? Testing proactiveness and the joint effect of internal and external collaboration on key account manager performance
LE Murphy, JP Coughlan
Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management 38 (2), 205-219, 2018
Including the customer in efficiency analysis: Evidence of a hybrid relational‐transactional approach
J Coughlan, E Shale, R Dyson
International Journal of Bank Marketing 28 (2), 136-149, 2010
Teaching philosophy statements: A guide
M Fitzmaurice, J Coughlan
A Handbook 39, 2007
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Articles 1–20