Janine Dale Mendola
Janine Dale Mendola
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Functional analysis of V3A and related areas in human visual cortex
RBH Tootell, JD Mendola, NK Hadjikhani, PJ Ledden, AK Liu, JB Reppas, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 17 (18), 7060-7078, 1997
Cortical mechanisms specific to explicit visual object recognition
M Bar, RBH Tootell, DL Schacter, DN Greve, B Fischl, JD Mendola, ...
Neuron 29 (2), 529-535, 2001
Functional analysis of primary visual cortex (V1) in humans
RBH Tootell, NK Hadjikhani, W Vanduffel, AK Liu, JD Mendola, MI Sereno, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 95 (3), 811-817, 1998
The representation of illusory and real contours in human cortical visual areas revealed by functional magnetic resonance imaging
JD Mendola, AM Dale, B Fischl, AK Liu, RBH Tootell
Journal of Neuroscience 19 (19), 8560-8572, 1999
The representation of the ipsilateral visual field in human cerebral cortex
RBH Tootell, JD Mendola, NK Hadjikhani, AK Liu, AM Dale
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 95 (3), 818-824, 1998
From retinotopy to recognition: fMRI in human visual cortex
RBH Tootell, NK Hadjikhani, JD Mendola, S Marrett, AM Dale
Trends in cognitive sciences 2 (5), 174-183, 1998
Voxel‐based analysis of MRI detects abnormal visual cortex in children and adults with amblyopia
JD Mendola, IP Conner, A Roy, ST Chan, TL Schwartz, JV Odom, ...
Human brain mapping 25 (2), 222-236, 2005
Cortical activation to illusory shapes as measured with magnetoencephalography
E Halgren, J Mendola, CDR Chong, AM Dale
Neuroimage 18 (4), 1001-1009, 2003
Prevalence of visual deficits in Alzheimer's disease
JD Mendola, A Cronin-Golomb, S Corkin, JH Growdon
Optometry and Vision Science 72 (3), 155-167, 1995
Oral 9-cis retinoid for childhood blindness due to Leber congenital amaurosis caused by RPE65 or LRAT mutations: an open-label phase 1b trial
RK Koenekoop, R Sui, J Sallum, LI Van Den Born, R Ajlan, A Khan, ...
The Lancet 384 (9953), 1513-1520, 2014
Neuroanatomy of adult strabismus: a voxel-based morphometric analysis of magnetic resonance structural scans
S Chan, K Tang, K Lam, L Chan, JD Mendola, KK Kwong
Neuroimage 22 (2), 986-994, 2004
Monocular activation of V1 and V2 in amblyopic adults measured with functional magnetic resonance imaging
IP Conner, JV Odom, TL Schwartz, JD Mendola
Journal of American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus …, 2007
Retinotopic organization in children measured with fMRI
IP Conner, S Sharma, SK Lemieux, JD Mendola
Journal of Vision 4 (6), 10-10, 2004
fMRI measures of perceptual filling-in in the human visual cortex
JD Mendola, IP Conner, S Sharma, A Bahekar, S Lemieux
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 18 (3), 363-375, 2006
Safety and proof-of-concept study of oral QLT091001 in retinitis pigmentosa due to inherited deficiencies of retinal pigment epithelial 65 protein (RPE65) or lecithin: retinol …
HPN Scholl, AT Moore, RK Koenekoop, Y Wen, GA Fishman, ...
PloS one 10 (12), e0143846, 2015
Relating binocular and monocular vision in strabismic and anisometropic amblyopia
R Agrawal, IP Conner, JV Odom, TL Schwartz, JD Mendola
Archives of ophthalmology 124 (6), 844-850, 2006
Retinotopic maps and foveal suppression in the visual cortex of amblyopic adults
IP Conner, JV Odom, TL Schwartz, JD Mendola
The Journal of physiology 583 (1), 159-173, 2007
Eye dominance predicts fMRI signals in human retinotopic cortex
JD Mendola, IP Conner
Neuroscience letters 414 (1), 30-34, 2007
Evaluation and calibration of functional network modeling methods based on known anatomical connections
DA Dawson, K Cha, LB Lewis, JD Mendola, A Shmuel
Neuroimage 67, 331-343, 2013
Partial correlation analysis reveals abnormal retinotopically organized functional connectivity of visual areas in amblyopia
JD Mendola, J Lam, M Rosenstein, LB Lewis, A Shmuel
NeuroImage: Clinical 18, 192-201, 2018
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Articles 1–20